

Can curved lines make a corner?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Can curved lines make a corner?
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Can you make a curved shape out of straight lines?

Not really, but if you have many lines it can look like a curved shape.

What are the curved lines?

Lines that is curved. E.G the outline of a circle.

How can you use curved in a sentence?

I curved around the corner when going to my friends house.

What kind of map has curved lines?

Curved lines may be printed or drawn on any kind of map.

Do polygons have curved lines?


Why are the lines in the scream curved?

The curved lines create a sense of movement and being off balance which contributes to the image.

What does a curved line symbolize?

Curved lines symbolizes creativity and femininity

Can curved lines are polygons?

polygons can't have any curved sides

Types of line?

There are different types of lines: curved lines, dotted lines, wavy lines and straight lines.

What instrument measures curved lines?

the simplest way to measure the curved lines is by using a thread...........or cloth type tape

Definition of curved line?

A kind of line which is not required to be straight. Curved lines are often called irregular lines.

Another word for bevelled edge?

curved corner