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2+sqrt(3) and 5+sqrt(3). Their difference is 3, which is rational.

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Q: Can difference between two irrational number can results in rational number?
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The answer to a multiplication problem is called a?

When two variables are multiplied, the result is called a product. When they are divided, it is a quotient. Addition results in a sum and subtraction results in a difference.

What is the difference between a specialization hierarchies and specialization lattices?

Specialization Hierarchy - has the constraint that every subclass participates asa subclass in only one class/subclass relationship, i.e. that each subclass hasonly one parent. This results in a tree structure.Specialization Lattice - has the constraint that a subclass can be a subclass of morethan one class/subclass relationship.

The sum of the digits of a two digit number is fourteen if the number represented by reversing the digits is subtracted from the original number the result is eighteen what is the original number?

86 8 + 6 = 14 86 - 68 = 18 The difference of a transposition (reversing the digits), is always divisible by 9. If you take the difference, in this case 18, and divide that by 9, your answer is 2. This will be the difference between the two digits (ie, 1 + 2 = 3, so transposing 13 and 31 results in a difference of 18. So does 24 and 42 or 35 and 53, etc). This helps you quickly solve the problem by taking one half of the sum of the digits (14), divide in half (7) and move 1 number in each direction (one being half of 2, the known difference between the digits) and you get 8 (7+1) and 6 (7-1). If your difference was 27, then the two digits would be 3 numbers apart (27 divided by 9 = 3) such as 14 and 41 or 25 and 52, etc. If the solution was 25 and 52: The two numbers add to 7 and the difference of the transposition is 27. The two numbers add to 7 - one half of 7 is 3.5 - move 1.5 (half of 3, 27/9) in either direction from 3.5 and you get your answer 5 (3.5+1.5) and 2 (3.5-1.5). Try it where the difference of the transposition is 36 (the difference in the digits will be 4) such as 37 and 73 or 48 and 84.

How can graphs of polynomial functions show trends in data?

The way you can use graphs of polynomial functions to show trends in data is by comparing results between different functions. The alternation between the data will show the trends. Time can also be used to show the amount of variation.

The average of 60 results is 40 and the average of another 40 results is 60 what is the average of all the results?

60 x 40 = 2400 40 x 60 = 2400 4800 / 100 = 48

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If one adds a rational number and an irrational number what type of number results?

an irrational number. also called a "surd". like 1+sqrt(5). (sqrt=square root)

What is the difference between observations and results?

the difference is that results are the answers to the observations.

What is the significance of irrational numbers with explanation?

A rational number is a number which can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. However, there are far more numbers that cannot be expressed in this fashion.The set of rational numbers is not closed under the basic operation of taking square roots. There are also other operations whose results are not rational numbers. The two most important constant of mathematics are pi (geometry) and e (calculus) and both are irrational numbers.

How do you get an irrational number between 0.6 and 0.66?

A rational, non-zero number multiplied by an irrational number always results in an irrational number. Knowing this, you can fairly easily choose a rational number to multiply by any given irrational that will be within your stated range. In this example, I'm going to choose pi (~3.1415926535897932) as the irrational number and x will be the rational number. So we want to satisfying the following inequality: 0.6 < pi * x < 0.66 Dividing everything by pi (which is positive) gives us: 0.6/pi < x < 0.66/pi A quick check on the calculator tells us that: 0.6/pi ~= 0.191 0.66/pi ~= 0.21 So, choosing x = 0.20, we end up with 0.2 * pi as our answer. A quick verification with the calculator shows that 0.2 * pi ~= 0.628, so it's between 0.6 and 0.66. Since 0.2 is 1/5, the equivalent pi/5 is a slightly more aesthetic answer.

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A consequence is something that results from an action.An action results in a consequence.

Why rational number plus an irrational number is equal to an irrational number?

You can easily prove (doing some basic manipulations with fractions) that the addition of two rational numbers gives you a rational number. As a corollary, a subtraction of two rational numbers also results in a rational number.Now, assume an addition: a + b = c Also, assume that "a" and "c" are rational. Solving for "b": b = c - a Since "c" and "a" are rational, so is "c - a" - this is a contradiction to the assumption.

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What kind of answer results when a rational number is multiplied zero?

The answer is zero. It is rational, precise, and exact.

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The range.

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Consolidated results include the results of subsidiaries of a company.Thus Consolidated results give a better picture of value of a company.

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Just difference between the caste results in bloody wars!

What is the difference between Google and Google Canada?

There is little, if any difference between and connects you to the server in Canada and will usually give you better local results. will give you results in french as well.