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No, 1 and 121 cannot.

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Q: Can every square number up to 12times12 be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers?
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Is the square root of 9 an irrational number?

No. The square root of 9 is 3. An irrational number is a number that can't be expressed with a fraction, meaning it is not an integer or a whole number. Numbers such as pi or e are irrational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed with a fraction. Hope this helps!

What is irratoinal numbers?

An irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction such as the square root of 2

What is inrational numbers?

An irrational number is a number that can not be expressed as a fraction as for example the square root of 2

What is a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers or as a repeating or terminating decimal?

A number which can not be expressed as a ratio of two integers is "irrational". Irrational numbers can not be expressed on paper through conventional means. Examples of irrational numbers are: pi Euler's number (e) Any square root of an integer which isn't a perfect square.

How are irrational numbers different from other numbers?

A rational number can be expressed as a fraction, with whole numbers in the numerator and the denominator, for example 2/3, -3/4, or 5 (which is equal to 5/1). An irrational number can not be expressed as such a fraction. For example, the square root of 2, the square root of any positive integer that is not a perfect square, pi, the number e.

How do you split the number 29 into saqure numbers?

Expressed as a sum of square numbers, 29 is equal to ±52 + ±22

What is the role of rational and irrational number plays in modern day calculation?

Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions such as the square root of 2

A real number that is not rational?

Real numbers are any numbers that could be on a number line. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as fractions. Real irrational numbers are things like pi or the square root of 2.

What is a rational number whose square root is a whole number?

If the square root is a whole number, then the square of the square root, the original number, is also a whole number; all whole numbers can be expressed as themselves over 1, and so are rational numbers. The answer is thus any square number, ie the square of the natural numbers: 1 (1²), 4 (2²), 9 (3²), 16 (4²), etc.

Is the square root of -4 irrational?

The square root of -4 is not irrational, it is imaginary. Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction, like the square root of 2. Irrational numbers, however, are a subset of real numbers. The square root of -4 however, is not even a real number because no real number, when squared, gives -4. Therefore the square root of -4 is an imaginary number.In calculus, the root is expressed as 2i where iis the square root of -1.

What is an irrational number question and answers?

An irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction as for example the square root of 2

Which is the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of six different square numbers but can't be expressed as the sum of five different square numbers?

12+22+32+42+52+62 = 1+4+9+16+25+36= 91