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Q: Can hold more than 320 billion characters?
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Can the average USB flash drive hold more than 80 billion characters?

USB flash drives go from 1GB to 32GB. They certainly hold a huge amount of characters depending on the storage capacity on each of them.

What can represent more than 4 billion different characters or symbols?

ISO10646 UCS-2 (Unicode)

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1 billion is less than 100 billion.

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what is 50 billion more than 1 trillion?

Since 2 trillion is 2000 billion, 50 billion is not more than 1 trillion, but less by 0.025 trillion.

Is million a bigger number than billion or billion is a bigger number than million?

A billion is a thousand times more than a million. One billion= 1,000,000,000 One million= 1,000,000

How much gasoline is burned in the US every minute?

more than 140 billion gallons == == more than 140 billion gallons == ==

How much is yahoo worth?

44.6 billion

How do you hold more than eight patterns in Animal Crossing Wild World?

You can't, but each of the four characters can hold eight designs each, and anther eight can be displayed in the Able Sisters' shop.

Are there more than a billion galaxies?

There are approximately 100 billion galaxies in the known Universe.

Why are you able to type in more than 200 characters but can only submit questions with more than 200 characters?

A question on WikiAnswers is not allowed to have more than 200 characters so that the questions remain concise, to the point, and so that the answer is more likely to be more appropriate to the question asked. The longer the question, the more complicated and involved the answer is likely to be, and the more likely the answer is not going to be what you are looking for.

Does walmart make more than a billion a year?

According to Wikipedia, Walmart's 2007 revenues were $387.69 billion, and its net income was $12.731 billion. Therefore, depending on whether you want to use net income or revenues, Walmart either made more than a billion a month or more than a billion a day. I find it hard to imagine pulling a billion dollars through the registers in a day's time.