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Q: Can relative density be more than 100 percent?
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What the formula for relative density?

The relative density of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of some standard substance. The standard substance for solids and liquids is water. Thus for solids or liquids: Relative density = denisty of substance (kg/m3) / density of water (kg/m3) Relative density therefore has no units, it is a number, and indicates only how many times more dense the substance is than water. The relative density of water is 1 or 1000 kg/m3.

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What is relative densities?

Relative density is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a given reference material.If a substance's relative density is less than one then it is less dense than the reference; if greater than 1 then it is denser than the reference. If the relative density is exactly 1 then the densities are equal

Is an oil with the density 0.9 denser than water?

No, relative density is relative to water. Therefore, oil with a relative density of 0.9 is 90% the density of water. Which is why oil floats on top of water. Put both in a glass to see.

Which has more alcohol in it a solution of one percent by volume or one percent by weight?

One percent by weight. Alcohol has a density of less than water, so 1 g of alcohol is more than 1 mL.

If you have a debt-to-income ratio of more than 20 percent it may indicate that you have borrowed too much relative to your income?

A debt-to-income ratio of more than 20% may indicate that you have borrowed too much relative to your income.

What is the relative density of concrete?

Concrete has a relative density of 2.4 (although see the note below). Calculation of a relative density requires comparison to a reference material. Most commonly this is water. Water has a density of 1000 kg/m3 while concrete has a density of 2400 kg/m3. As such concrete is 2.4 times denser than water and so it's reference density is 2.4.

What is the difference of relative density versus density?

Absolute versus relative densityDensity is mass per unit volume. To determine an object's density (absolute), simply divide its mass by its volume. For example, 1000 kilograms of water occupies one cubic meter. We can therefore say that water's density is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3), which equals one kilogram per liter (kg/L), which also equals one gram per milliliter (g/mL). Now, let's say you have some other substance that also occupies one cubic meter but weighs 2000 kilograms. It has a density of 2000 kg/m3. In other words, relative to water, the substance is twice as dense as water. Now you have an idea of what relative density is.If we use water as a reference, we can compare other substances' densities to the density of water. Simply divide the substance's absolute density by the absolute density of water to get the relative density of the substance (relative to water). Relative density is a unit-less quantity; it is just a number. If a substance is denser than water, its relative density will be greater than one. If it's less dense than water, it will have a relative density less than one.Relative density is also known as Specific Gravity.

What determines wether an object will float in water?

An object will float in water if the object's density is less than the density of water. Relative density is the ratio of one object density with respect to the density of another object. Relative density of any object with respect to water is also known as specific gravity. Objects with a specific gravity less than one will float those with a specific gravity greater than one will not.

If a mineral is 10 times heavier than water what is its specific gravity?

specific gravity = relative density ( relative to water) , so if the mineral is 10 times the density of water, then its specific gravity is 10

What is specific weight of diesel fuel?

The density of diesel fuel oil (20 to 60) at 15 degress Celsius is 820 to 950 kg/m3. In other words, it has from 82 to 95 percent the density of water, or specific gravity (relative to water) of 0.82 to 0.95.

What is the specific gravity of solid materials?

The same as their g/cm3 density, but with no units. It is the density of that material relative to the density of water. Since water has a density of 1g/cm3 the previous answer is correct, but it is more powerful than that. If you know the density in any unit system and divide it by the density of water in that same unit system, you will get the specific gravity.