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The least common factor of any set of integers is 1. The least common multiple can never be smaller than the larger of the two starting numbers.

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Q: Can the least common factor ever be smaller than the two starting number?
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If your finding the Greatest Common Factor of 2 given numbers and the smallest number is a factor of a larger number then what must the Greatest Common Factor be?

the smaller number

What is the gross common factor of two numbers when one number is a multiple of the other?

When one number is a multiple of the other, the greatest common factor of the two is the smaller number.

Can the greatest common factor be equal to the number?

The GCF can be equal to the smaller number if the smaller number is a factor of the larger one. The GCF can be equal to both numbers if they are the same number. The GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.

When a number is a multiple of another the GCF of the numbers is the greatest common factor?

The GCF of the numbers is the greatest common factor no matter what their relationship is. When one number is a multiple of another number, the GCF is the smaller number.

What number is not a factor?

Divide the smaller number into the larger number. If the answer is not an integer, the smaller number is not a factor.

What is the LCM of 7 and 35?

The Least Common Multiple is 35(this occurs when the larger number is already a multiple of the smaller one)(*The Greatest Common Factor is 7. This likewise occurs when the smaller number is a factor of the larger number.)Since 35 is a multiple of 7, it is automatically the LCM.

What are two numbers that have a Greatest Common Factor of 7 and a Least Common Factor of 28?

The greatest common factor can't be a smaller number than the least common factor, but if you meant least common multiple, 7 and 28 have a GCF of 7 and an LCM of 28.

What are two numbers whose greatest common factor is 7 and whose sum is 105 such that the larger is twice the smaller and the smaller has only two prime factors?

Since one number is twice the other, the smaller number must be the greatest common factor. Since the greatest common factor is 7, that would make the other number 14. But, 7 is a prime number and has only one prime factor. However, the larger number, 14, has two prime factors. Also, the sum of the two numbers is 21, not 105. So, the information in the problem does not have a solution. Let us ignore the greatest common factor information. Let the smaller number be x. That means the larger number is 2x. x + 2x = 105 => 3x = 105 => x = 35. The two numbers are 35 and 70. The greatest common factor is 35. The smaller number, 35, has only two prime factors.

When is the greatest common factor of two number one of the two number and explain your reasoning?

When one of the numbers is a factor of the other, the smaller one is the GCF, because a number can't have a factor larger than itself.

What is the GCF of 94 and 47?

47 is a factor of 94: 47*2 = 94.Suppose you are looking for the GCF of two numbers and that that one of the numbers is a multiple of the other. Then their GCF is always smaller of the two number.Every number is a factor of itself, so the smaller number is a factor of itself. Also, if the bigger number is its multiple, then it must also be a factor of the bigger number. So it is a common factor.Now, any number that is bigger than the smaller of the two numbers cannot be its factor. So, the common factor found earlier must be the greatest such number.

Is the greatest common factor of two numbers is equal to the lesser of the number?

Well, not always. The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. But apart from that special circumstance, the statement is true. Apart from a number itself, all of its factors are smaller than it. Apart from a number itself, all of its multiples are larger than it. You can't have a GCF that is greater than the smaller number, and you can't have an LCM that is less than the larger one which means that the LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

What is another name for a pair of numbers whose greatest common factor is the same as one of the numbers?

In that case, the smaller number is a factor of the larger one. The larger one is a multiple of the smaller one.