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Q: Can three vectors of different magnitudes and directions add to zero?
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Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero it possible for three such vectors?

Two vectors with unequal magnitudes can't add to zero, but three or more can.

Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant can three vectors?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.

Can two vectors having different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultantis it possible for three vectors?

-- The minimum magnitude that can result from the combination of two vectors is the difference between their magnitudes. If their magnitudes are different, then they can't combine to produce zero. -- But three or more vectors with different magnitudes can combine to produce a zero magnitude.

Can three vectors of different magnitudes be combined to form a zero resultant?


Can the resultant of three vectors be zero also define is it possible for two vectors?

Yes. Any number of vectors, two or more, can result in zero, if their magnitudes and directions are just right. One vector can result in zero only if its magnitude is zero.

How many minimum no of coplaner vectors having different magnitude can be added to given zero resultant?

If all magnitudes are different, then minimum is three.

The vector sum of three vectors gives a resultant equal to zero What can you say about the vectors?

With three vectors spaced 120 degrees apart and with identical magnitudes the vector sum will be 0.

Which of the sets given below may represents the magnitudes of three vectors adding to zero?

c) 1,2,1

Can the sum of three vectors all of unequal magnitudes be a zero?

Yes. The largest vector is given a certain direction. The remaining two vectors (each different in length) when combined, equal the length of the largest, and are 180 degrees out of phase with the largest.

What is the difference between coplanar vectors and collinear vectors?

The term collinear is used to describe vectors which are scalar multiples of one another (they are parallel; can have different magnitudes in the same or opposite direction). The term coplanar is used to describe vectors in at least 3-space. Coplanar vectors are three or more vectors that lie in the same plane (any 2-D flat surface).

Is it possible to add three vectors of equal magnitude but different directions to get a null vectors?

yes, as long as they have 120 degrees separating them from each other, (360/3). all vectors must have total x and y component values of 0.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant if not can three vectors be combine?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.