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Rh negative is a recessive trait but if both parents had it, then the children would have it.

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Q: Can two negative blood factor parents create a negative blood factor baby?
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What type of blood would you have if both your parents have RH blood type?

Rh is not a blood type by itself but is just one part of what makes up a blood type. There are two parts to blood typing: the ABO aspect and the Rh factor. One has blood type A, B, AB, or O, AND then is either Rh positive, or Rh negative. Hence why you hear blood types like A positive, O negative, etc. The positive/ negative is referring to the Rh factor. Rh positive is dominant, so one only needs one Rh positive parent so be Rh positive. Rh negative is recessive. If both parents are Rh negative, the child they have must be Rh negative as well. To know what blood type you could be, you need to know your parents' entire blood type.

How can two parents with blood type O negative have a child with blood type AB?

They cannot. Two parents with type O negative blood will produce offspring of type O negative.

If your parents are blood type O negative and b negative does that mean that you will have a negative blood type?

Yes, this is true. 100% of all children will have a negative blood type.

Can two o positives make an o negative?

Yes this is true only if both parents are heterozygous positive. This means that the parents genotypes are +- for blood type. + blood type is dominant over - blood type, so this means that one can only have negative blood type if their parents are either heterozygous or homozygous recessive. A helpful tool to finding out the probability for this question would be to use a punnett square. If you used this method you would find out that two heterozygous positive blood type parents have a 25% chance of producing offspring with negative blood type.

What blood GROUP do parents have to have a child with type o negative blood group?

at least one of them have negative group.

Related questions

Can parents have negative and positive Rh children?

CAN children hae positive and negative RH factor blood types

Can a baby be born with positive blood if both parents are negative?

No. If both parents are Rh negative, they are homozygous recessive for the Rh factor and can only pass on recessive alleles to their children, and a positive Rh factor is a dominant trait.

Can parents with o negative blood and b negative blood have a child with a negative blood?

yes it can be possible too as the parents is already with an o blood group..

Where does the positive and negative for blood come from?

Positive and negative indicate the presence or lack of the rh factor in the blood. A+ blood type, for example, indicates that the rh factor is present in that blood.

Can parents with AB positive and A negative blood have a baby with 0 negative blood?


Can you give A positive blood to A negative blood?

No. The Rh Negative blood group is formed by an absence of the Positive factor.

What type of blood would you have if both your parents have RH blood type?

Rh is not a blood type by itself but is just one part of what makes up a blood type. There are two parts to blood typing: the ABO aspect and the Rh factor. One has blood type A, B, AB, or O, AND then is either Rh positive, or Rh negative. Hence why you hear blood types like A positive, O negative, etc. The positive/ negative is referring to the Rh factor. Rh positive is dominant, so one only needs one Rh positive parent so be Rh positive. Rh negative is recessive. If both parents are Rh negative, the child they have must be Rh negative as well. To know what blood type you could be, you need to know your parents' entire blood type.

How can two parents with blood type O negative have a child with blood type AB?

They cannot. Two parents with type O negative blood will produce offspring of type O negative.

How many blood types are there how blood type is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.

If your parents are blood type O negative and b negative does that mean that you will have a negative blood type?

Yes, this is true. 100% of all children will have a negative blood type.

How can doctors determine positive or negative blood types.?

Doctors can determine positive or negative blood types by administering a test. The difference between positive and negative types is the presence of the RH factor. Positive blood types indicate the presence of the RH factor while negative blood types do not have this factor.

Can 2 A positive blood types create a RH negative blood type?

yes they can create a RHnegative blood type .