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As long as the two quadrilaterals are congruent, yes.

(Congruency ignores position, including rotation and reflection.)

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Q: Can two quadrilaterals be mapped onto one another using rigid motions?
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Are quadrilaterals rigid?

no they are not rigid.

How do you find a sequence of rigid motions for quadrilaterals?

The answer depends on the quadrilateral. Some have rotational symmetry or reflective symmetry and it is not possible to distinguish between these and translations.

What does it mean to prove that two figures are congruent using rigid motions?

Given two sets of angles and the included side congruent, we seek a sequence of rigid motions that will map Δ_____onto Δ___ proving the triangles congruent.

Why do architects and engineers use so many triangles in construction?

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Another name for rigid transformation?


What is another name for rigid?

Stable. Firm.

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Oppressive? Stringent? Puritanical? Rigid

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inflexible, unyielding, rigid, brittle

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Why reflections translations and rotation are rigid motion s?

Reflections, translations, and rotations are considered rigid motions because they preserve the size and shape of the original figure. These transformations do not distort the object in any way, maintaining the distances between points and angles within the figure. As a result, the object's properties such as perimeter, area, and angles remain unchanged after undergoing these transformations.

What is another word for taut?

stiff, tight, rigid, close, flexed, firm, tense, unyielding