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an imaginary number is imaginary so no (i guess) this answer kind of sucks

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Q: Can you divide an imaginary number by a real number?
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Can a no real number be a pure imaginary number?

If a number is pure imaginary then it has no real component. If it is a real number, then there is no imaginary component. If it has both real and imaginary components, then it is a complex number.

What does 7 divided by imaginary number equal?

That quotient would be an imaginary number. The actual number depends on exactly what imaginary number you divide the 7 by.

Is every rational number a real number true or false?

Yes. Rational numbers are always the quotient of two integers. Integers are always real, and you cannot divide a real number by another real number and get an imaginary number. So, true.

Is the difference of a complex number and its conjugate a real imaginary or pure imaginary number?

It is a pure imaginary number.Since (a+bi)-(a-bi) = 2bi, it is a pure imaginary number (it has no real component).

Is -17 a real number?

A real number is a number that does not have an imaginary component. There is no imaginary component in -17, so it is a real number.

Why must you rationalize complex numbers and not divide them?

Since a Complex number has a real component and an imaginary component, it would be like trying to divide z / (2x + 3y)

Are imaginary and complex numbers the same?

No. A complex number is a number that has both a real part and an imaginary part. Technically, a pure imaginary number ... which has no real part ... is not a complex number.

What are the Examples of real numbers in daily life?

every number is a real number....except imaginary.......and this is the amin reason for we can say that real number is real because its not imaginary....

Product of two imaginary number is real or imaginary?

It can be either.

How do you write a pseudocode for additing two complex number?

Real part of the result = real part of first number + real part of second number Imaginary part of the result = imaginary part of first number + imaginary part of second number

What are the characteristics of a complex number?

A complex number must have a real and imaginary part. It can be in the form: a + bi i is an imaginary number and a and b are real numbers

Can a number be both complex and imaginary?

A complex number has a real part and a (purely) imaginary part, So imaginary numbers are a subset of complex numbers. But the converse is not true. A real number is also a member of the complex domain but it is not an imaginary number.