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Q: Can you draw three dots that are not coplanar?
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Related questions

Why can't you draw three points coplanar?

This is a nonsense question. Any three point are always coplanar.

Is it possible to draw three points that are non coplanar?

No. To prove this, you can actually construct the plane.

Why do you draw three dots around aluminum?

The three dots around Al's Lewis structure represent Al's unpaired valence electrons.

How do you draw a dot diagram to show why 9 is a square number?

Simply draw 3 rows of three dots to show that the dots form a square, as shown below:. . .. . .. . .

What is an example of coplanar points?

Three balls on a table are three coplanar points.

How do you show that that the three vectors are coplanar?

Three vectors are coplanar if they sum to zero. V1 + V2 + V3 = o means the three vectors are coplanar.

What is the name of this sequence 1 3 6 10 15 21?

This is the sequence of triangular numbers. You draw one dot. Then you draw two dots in the line below - one to the left and one to the right of the first dot. You now have a triangle, of three dots. Then you draw three dots in the next line and you get a triangle with 6 dots. Next, four more dots in the next line giving a triangle with 10 dots. The name is easy to understand if you can visualise or even actually draw these dots. It is difficult to demonstrate through an ordinary word processing package.

Are any three points coplanar?

In 3-dimensional space, yes, any three points are coplanar.

What is a coplanar point and non coplanar point?

Coplanar means "on the same plane", so we can imagine that non coplanar means "not on the same plane".For example, if you draw a square and point on a piece of paper, the two objects are coplanar. However, if we were to add depth and the objects were a distance apart, they are said to be non coplanar.

If three points are coplanar are they also collinear?

Is false

What is the Bohr model of sodium chloride?

first circle draw 2 dots. second circle draw 8 dots third circle draw 10 dots!

Are three points never coplanar?
