

Can you simplify 180

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No. Integers cannot be simplified further.

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Q: Can you simplify 180
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Look at the factors of 180. 180 = 18 * 100 So √180 = √18 * √100 Now look at the factors of each of those and look for perfect squares. => √(9 * 2) * √10 => √9 * √23 * 10 => 3 * √2 * √10 => 3 * √20 => properly written it would just be 3√20

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180 because the equation would be 60% * 30% * 1000. You would then simplify the equation by turning 60% into 0.6, and turn 30% into 0.3. Now you can solve 0.6 * 0.3 = 0.18, 0.18 * 1000 = 180.

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No it will not simplify.