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Q: Can you use the quadratic formula after reducing a polynomial to a quartic function?
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Once you have reduced a polynomial to a quadratic function you can always use the quadratic formula to finish the problem?


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Once you have reduced a polynomial to a quartic function you can always use the quadratic formula to finish the problem?


Formula for finding zeros of polynomial function?

Try the quadratic formula. X = -b ± (sqrt(b^2-4ac)/2a)

What is the remainder thereom?

The remainder theorem states that if you divide a polynomial function by one of it's linier factors it's degree will be decreased by one. This theorem is often used to find the imaginary zeros of polynomial functions by reducing them to quadratics at which point they can be solved by using the quadratic formula.

What is the difference between quadratic function and quadratic formula?

A quadratic function is a function where a variable is raised to the second degree (2). Examples would be x2, or for more complexity, 2x2+4x+16. The quadratic formula is a way of finding the roots of a quadratic function, or where the parabola crosses the x-axis. There are many ways of finding roots, but the quadratic formula will always work for any quadratic function. In the form ax2+bx+c, the Quadratic Formula looks like this: x=-b±√b2-4ac _________ 2a The plus-minus means that there can 2 solutions.

Why is the most famous quadratic equation famous?

The quadratic formula is famous mainly because it allows you to find the root of any quadratic polynomial, whether the roots are real or complex. The quadratic formula has widespread applications in different fields of math, as well as physics.

What is the formula for quadratic function?

f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c, where a != 0 (for obvious reason: it wouldn't be a quadratic function)

What is a solution of a quadratic?

A quadratic function is ax2+bx+c You can solve for x by using the quadratic formula, which, as the formula requires the use of square roots, would be tricky to put here.

What makes a quadratic equation?

When the equation is a polynomial whose highest order (power) is 2. Eg. y= x2 + 2x + 10. Then you can use quadratic formula to solve if factoring is not possible.

How do you solve Quadratic functions?

All you do is set the quadratic function to equal to 0. Then you can either factor or use the quadratic formula to solve for your unknown variable.

Find the roots of the polynomial given 4x2 - 3x - 5?

No integer roots. Quadratic formula gives 1.55 and -0.81 to the nearest hundredth.