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68 ounces of water casandra drank.

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Q: Cassandra drank 8.5 cups of water how many fluid ounces of water did she drink?
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Cassandra drank 812 cups of water how many fluid ounces of water did she drink?

Since one cup is equal to eight fluid ounces, we must multiply 812 by 8. With this method, we will see that Cassandra drank 6,496 fluid ounces.

What is half of a cup?

That would be a quarter of a cup or 1/4 of a cup

Kevin drank fluid ounces of juice. How much is this in cups?

(the number of ounces he drank)/8

A resident drank two ounce of coffee four ounce of water and four ounces of tomato juice how many cc's of fluid did the resident drink?

~295 cc

I need to drink 4 liters of water a day how many fluid ounces is that?

That is 136 fluid ounces.

If you drink 1 liter of water how many ounces is that?

About 33.8 fluid ounces.

What is the average amount of fluid in a soft drink can?

12 ounces

Would you get sick if you drank a nontoxic fluid?

No, because non-toxic means that it is safe to drink.

Would you get sick if you drank nontoxic fluid?

No, because non-toxic means that it is safe to drink.

Is power steering fluid dangerous if you drank it?

Oh yes, quite dangerous. Do not drink power steering fluid or anything else that you put into your car.

How much oz liquor can you get in 1000ml drink?

1,000ml equates to 33.81 fluid ounces.

How many one liter bottles of water will you have to drink in order to have drank 8 cups in one day?

Drinking two liters of water in one day is the same as drinking a little more than 8 cups of water in one day. Two liters is approximately 67.6 fluid ounces. There are 8 fluid ounces to 1 cup, so 8 cups totals 64 fluid ounces, which is a little less than two liters.