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You need to get the denominators (the numbers on the bottom) the same. Eg.

2/3 + 1/5

I'd I can convert both to be the same type of fractions the sum is easy. By making them 15ths (by multiplying the denominators) this will work.

I need to convert 2/3 into 15ths - simply multiply top and bottom by 5

2/3 = 10/15

I now need to convert 1/5 into 15ths by multiplying top and bottom by 3

1/5 = 3/15

my sum is now 10/15 + 3/15 = 13/15

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Q: Changing dissimilar fraction to similar fraction?
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Take one of the fractions. Multiply its numerator and denominator by any integer greater than 1. The result will be a fraction with is equivalent to the fraction that you started with but no longer similar to the other fraction.

How do you do dissimilar to similar fraction?

The answer depends on WHAT you want to do with them.

How do you compare fractions in terms of similar and dissimilar fractions?

You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.

How do you change dissimilar fraction into similar fraction?

Simplify your answer into lowest term.Do the operation.

What is similar fraction and disimilar fractions?

Similar fractions have the same denominator, dissimilar ones don't.

What is used in changing dissimilar fractions to similar fractions?

Finding the lowest common denominator

How can dissimilar fraction be in similar fraction?

Because they could be equivalent fractions as for example 3/4 is the same as 12/16

What are equivalent similar and dissimilar fraction?

Equivalent fractions have the same value. 3/4 is equivalent to 6/8 Similar fractions have the same denominator. 3/5 is similar to 4/5 Dissimilar fractions have different denominators. 4/7 is dissimilar to 11/16

How do you add the dissimilar fraction?

You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.