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Changing velocity and constant acceleration? Yes.

Changing velocity indicates constant acceleration dv/dt = a constant(k) when v=kt.

Then dv/dt= dkt/dt= k. the constant k can be positive , negative or zero.

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Q: Changing velocty and constant acceleration
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Examples of constant speed but changing acceleration?

A body moving with constant speed in a circular path has acceleration changing at every point.

When a body has velocity no constant has acceleration or no?

Yes. If a body has a constant velocity there is no acceleration, but if the velocity is changing there is acceleration present.

If an object falls with constant acceleration the velocity of the object must?

Changing at a constant rate equal to acceleration.

Can an object with constant speed be accelerating?

Yes. 'Acceleration' means either speed or direction is changing. If direction is changing,then there is acceleration, even if speed is constant.

Compare the tension of a train with constant speed and acceleration?

Unless the train is in a curve, you cannot have constant speed and constant acceleration. You either have constant speed and zero acceleration, or you have changing speed and constant acceleration. Please restate the question.

Can something have both a constant velocity and constant acceleration?

No it cannot. It is either one or the other. For constant velocity, acceleration must be 0, meaning there is no acceleration happening here. If there is constant acceleration, then the velocity is constantly changing.

Why is constant velocity not acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. When velocity is constant, it is NOT CHANGING so acceleration is negligible or ZERO or non-existent.

If an object is moving in a circle with a constant speed Its acceleration is constant in what?

It is constant in magnitude. It is changing in direction.

If there is a constant velocity of 30 ms. What is its acceleration?

Unless the object is changing its direction, it is not accelerating. Constant velocity implies that speed and direction are constant, and for acceleration to occur, either speed, direction, or both values must be changing.

What does constant velocity or acceleration mean?

"Constant" means that regardless of when you measure it, the result is always the same. "Velocity" means speed and its direction. "Acceleration" means the rate at which speed is changing, and the direction in which it's changing.

Why acceleration produces at constant speed?

Acceleration by definition is a change in speed, direction, or both. If the speed is constant, the direction could still be changing. You can feel a change in direction, therefore you can feel acceleration even if the speed is constant.

Is a person running in a circular track at 7mph an example of constant velocity at zero acceleration and if so why?

No. The velocity and acceleration are not zero because the direction is changing, thus the velocity and acceleration is changing.