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Q: Chromosomes become aligned along the equatorial plane of the cell?
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What is aligned along the equator of the cell in metaphase?

Chromosomes are aligned along with the equator of the cell in metaphase.

What happens during metaphase in mitosis?

In metaphise, the spindle fibrez attach themselves to the centrumeres, or the constricted region of a chromosome where the two chromathds are attached, of the chromosomes and align the the chromosomes at the equatorial plate. I just guess

When do chromosomes align along the equatorial plane of the cell?

They align during Metaphase I

During this stage of mitosis the chromosomes are aligned along the middle of the cell?

The chromosomes are aligned along the middle of the cell during metaphase of mitosis. For more information on mitosis, see the link, further down this page, listed under Related Links.

What chromosomes align single file along the equator of a haploid cell?

during the metaphase. and they are called sister chromatids, not double chromosomes

Imagine looking through a microscope at a squashed onion root tip The chromosomes of many of the cells are plainly visible In some cells replicated chromosomes are aligned along the center equato?


What happens during metaphase?

The stage in mitosis or meiosis in which the duplicated chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate of the spindle. -

Where do chromosomes line up during metaphase?

Chromosomes align in a single row at the metaphase plate at right angles to the spindle poles. they actually go to the spindles equator

What does metaphase 1 look like?

Metaphase 1 looks like a group of bivalents. This is because the spindle fibers get aligned and arranged via a bipolar attraction. They end up along the equatorial line.

What does osteon compact bone tissue are aligned along?

osteons are aligned along lines of stress..

What is chromosomes line up in mitosis to known phase?

In Mitosis and Meiosis, this event is called Metaphase.

Type of assortment that involves the random distribution of homologous chromosomes during meiosis?

(Mendel's law of) independent assortment. This states that the chromosomes can line up along the equatorial line in 2^23 different arrangements (in humans- but 2^n in other animals with a different number of chromosomes)