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Plant cells have three structures that animal cells lack. Plant cells have chloroplasts to capture the energy from the sun. Plant cells have a large central vacuole for storage of water, nutrients, salts and other materials. Animal cells do have vacuoles but on a much smaller scale. The third main difference is that plant cells are surrounded by both a cell membrane and cell wall. Animal cells do not have the neat, organized shape that plant cells demonstrate due to this cell wall.

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plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells don't

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Q: Compare animal and plants cells
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How are animal cells different from plants cells?

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How are plants and animal cells different?

plants cells have chloroplast animal cells don't

Are chloroplasts in plants and animal cells?

They are in plant cells. They are absent in animal cells

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The cells of plants and animals are extensively larger than the cells of bacteria. Animal cells average about 10 to 30 micrometers, plant cells between 10 and 100 micrometers while bacterial cells are 2 micrometers.

Are chloroplasts found in animal cells or in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are found ONLY in plant cells - they are used for photosynthesis.

What do animal cells have that plants cells dont?

Generally, animal cells have cilia and plant cells do not.

What are the cells of animal and plants?

They are eukaryotic cells.

What cell do animal cells have that Plant cells do not have?

animal cells have centrioles. plants dont

What are 3 differences between plant and animal cells?

animal cells have centrioles which plants do not have. animal cell are heterotrophs and plants are autotrophs plants cells have cell walls composed of cellulose and animal cells do not have any.

What organelles are present in animal cells but not in plants cells?

Lysosomes are present in animal cells but not plant cells.

What is one structure found in animal cells that is not in plant cells?

Animal cells have lysosomes and plants cells do not.

What plants cells?

Plant cells do not have centrioles, but animal cells do.