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Q: Conclusion of uses of lines and angles?
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Why do parallel lines always make vertical angles?

Wrong statement. Parallel lines don't always make vertical angles without the transversal, the line that passes through these lines. Without the transversal, we can't make the conclusion that parallel lines form vertical angles.

Uses of parallel lines cut by a transversal?

There's lots of useful things you can discover when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, most of them having to do with angle relationships. Corresponding angles are congruent, alternate interior angles are congruent, same side or consecutive interior angles are supplementary, alternate exterior angles are congruent, and vertical angles are congruent.

What is the relationship between angles and lines?

bro angles hav lines in em

What are lines that meat at right angles?

Perpendicular lines meet at right angles

Are angles and sides the same?

Angles are the points at which lines meet. Sides are the opposite, being the lines that connect at angles.

If two lines intersect to form adjacent congruent angles then the lines are?

That is an important theorem in geometry: if two lines intersect to form adjacent congruent angles, then the lines are perpendicular. Those congruent angles would be right angles.

What are lines that intersect and form acute and obtuse angles called?

intersecting lines * * * * * Non-perpendicular intersecting lines. Or else the angles would be right angles.

How many solutions to 2 lines that intersect have?

Two lines that intersect will create2 pairs of equal angles and if the lines are perpendicular the angles created will be right angles

What are lines that intersect to form acute or obtuse angles called?

intersecting lines * * * * * Non-perpendicular intersecting lines. Or else the angles would be right angles.

What kind of angles are pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Angles that are pairs of opposite and congruent lines formed by intersecting lines are intersections

What lines are intersecting lines that form right angles when they intersect?

Perpendicular lines form right angles when they intersect.

What is pendicular lines?

That refers to lines that meet at right angles - angles of 90 degrees.