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The House of Representative and the Senate

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Q: Congress is divided into two parts called what?
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Congress is divided into two what?

The first of two parts of the congress is the house. The second part of congress is the senate.

The congress is divided in two parts what are the called?

two parts. The Senate, and Congress. 2 senators per state = 100 senators 435 members in the US house of representatives

What was the name of the agreement that divided the congress into two separate parts?

the Great Constitution

What three parts is the congress divided into?

The U.S. Congress is divided into three parts: the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President. Each part plays a specific role in the legislative process.

What do you call the two parts of congress called?

The Senate and the Hous of Represenatives.

What is the name given to the senate and house of representatives?

It is the Congress. The congress is divided into two sections, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

Was bicameral the system that gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two?

No. Bicameral means the Legislative branch of the government (Congress) is divided into two separate parts, called chambers or houses. In the United States, the two chambers of Congress are the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The main task of each house of Congress is to?

The legislative branch (or Congress) is divided into two parts called the House of Representatives and the Senate. These two bodies must both approve any laws before Congress passes them. Congress also has the power to impeach the president if it so chooses.

When something is divided in two parts each part is called?

it is a half

What are the senate and house of represenatives called together?

The United States House of Representatives has two parts. Its parts are the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate. The Congress makes federal laws.

What was the two houses of our government?

Congress is divided into two houses, including the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Congress divides into two what?

The first of two parts of the congress is the house. The second part of congress is the senate.