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Not sure of the value for these models but if you find out I have a model 8-sdx calculator I would like to know valve of Thanks Bill

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Q: Could you tell me the value what Marchant calculators model tr10fa model 8-d125843 yr 1929 and model actom yr 1929?
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What times itself equals 117649?

You are asking for the square root of 117649 - which is 343 (which you could get by using the square root function on most calculators).

What year were calculators invented?

Texas Instruments invented the first calculator in 1967 I was looking to see how much they cost, as my dad gave me one around 1972 or 1973. I know, because I moved from that house that year. I was 7. We didn't have money, so I KNOW we didn't pay $135 for it! Anyway, I finally found this info on this Hewlett Packard website: "When the HP-35 was introduced, there were 75 handheld calculators on the market from more than 20 manufacturers. All of these were four-function calculators and could only add, subtract, multiply and divide. From 1972 to 1976, four-function calculator prices fell 95 percent - plummeting from an average of $195 to just $9.95. Falling prices unseated a number of calculator brands."

Why do some calculators give different answers?

The difference in the working memory and significant digits, as well as the ability to handle mathematical operations in their proper order, can all cause one calculator to give a different answer than another. There are two main types of calculator: scientific and non-scientific. The non-scientific calculators are often simple calculators with few operations beyond arithmetic and memory operations (although they may have square roots). They are generally intended as a desktop calculator for use by people who have to add up lots of numbers. As such, they are very simple, and every operation (+-×÷) works on the last number displayed. This last displayed number could be the result of the last calculation. Thus, if you enter 1 + 2 × 3, when the multiply key is pressed, the calculation of 1 + 2 is done and the result of that is multiplied by the next number entered, that is, the result of 1 + 2 × 3 is 9 (since 1 + 2 = 3, and 3 × 3 = 9). These calculators do not have keys for parentheses, nor can they do exponential display. They are limited to something like ±0.0000001 to ±99,999,999, up to eight digits of display. Tthe more digits before the decimal point, the less that can be after it. In contrast, scientific calculators have many more functions (e,g. trigonometric, powers, logs) and know about proper mathematical order of operations. Thus with one of these types of calculators entering 1 + 2 × 3 will give the result of 7, since the multiply is done first and then the result of that is added to the 1 - it has calculated 1 + (2 × 3). They DO have keys for parentheses, as the proper order of doing operations may need to be overridden, eg (1 + 2) × 3 to get the same result as a simple, non-scientific calculator. Scientific calculators can also handle exponential numbers, so they can handle a much larger range of numbers (something like ±1 × 10^-99 to 9.9999999 × 10^99). There is a slight variation in the range that different scientific calculators can handle. This range depends on how much internal storage is allocated to store each floating point number. Most scientific calculators these days will display nine digits with a further two for the exponent, though some may only allow seven or eight digits, and some may allow ten or 11 digits, or possibly three digits for the exponent. Internally, they will usually work to one or two digits more than the displayed digits so that the result displayed is rounded properly. In summary, the difference in the working memory and significant digits, as well as the ability to handle mathematical operations in their proper order, can all cause one calculator to give a different answer than another.

What do the letters on a calculator mean?

I assume you mean graphing calculators. They are variables that you can store numbers to, like if you need to use it later on in a math problem. But they can't be used to figure out algebra equations. Say you have the equation n+1=2 and n+m=4. You would figure out the value of n, which is 1, and you could either remember it or store it to variable n. Then you could use the variable n in figuring out m instead of putting in 1. (4-n=m instead of 4-1=m)

What did the first calculator look like?

The first calculators were abacuses, and were often constructed as a wooden frame with beads sliding on wires. Abacuses were in use centuries before the written numerals system and are still used by some merchants, fishermen and clerks in China and elsewhere. In 1822 Charles Babbage proposed mechanical calculators; one called a difference engine, which was capable of holding and manipulating seven numbers of 31 decimal digits each; and another more advanced mechanical programmable computer called an analytical engine. None of these designs were completely built. In 1991 the London Science Museum followed Babbage's plans to build a working difference engine using the technology and materials available in the 19th century. The Olivetti Programma 101 was introduced in late 1965; it was a stored program machine which could read and write magnetic cards and displayed results on its built-in printer. Programming allowed conditional testing and programs could also be overlayed by reading from magnetic cards. The Olivetti Programma 101 has won many industrial design awards. The first handheld calculator was developed by Texas Instruments in 1967. It could add, multiply, subtract, and divide, and its output device was a paper tape. The first calculator was probably the abacus; this has several balls on wires and allows the operator (with some practice) to perform arithmatic.

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Who is Alice marchant?

shes a bufftings and she is so pretty and SO popular i wish i could be jsut liek her

Do finance calculators help you maintain your finances? is a website with all the financial calculators you could ever think of. These calculators can help you budget and manage your finances.

Where could one find information on annuity calculators?

One can find information on annuity calculators by going to the place that provides them. Examples of places that provide annuity calculators would be Bankrate, Aviva and LifeAnnuities.

Could the first mechanical calculator add subtract mulitply and divide?

No, the very first mechanical calculators could only add and subtract. The first mechanical calculators were invented in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard, followed by the Pascaline, invented in 1645 by Blaise Pascal. However, calculators that could multiply and divide were in use by the 19th century.

Why did early traders use the abacus?

They didn't have electronic calculators. Abacuses (or is it abaci? no clue... oh well...) are calculators, and they could use them to calculate things.

Where can I find an APR calculator?

Annual Percentage Rate calculators can be found online at You could also try going to your local bank branch.

Could you inform me about savings interest calculators?

Savings interest calculators tell you how much money you will earn from interest on your savings. To find out more information on savings interest calculators go to where you will find all the details you require.

Where could one find finance calculators?

There are many finance companies and banks that offer finance calculators. The best thing to do would be to contact your bank and see if they offer that service.

Where could one find a calculator that could help them find a wavelength frequency?

Wavelength frequency calculators can be found online from many different sources. Some examples of online wavelength frequency calculators include Wavelength Calculator and 1728.

Are there reliable loan calculators online?

The only loan calculator I could find was at Most of the calculators are for mortgages, taxes or car loans. The calculator I found is a good one and very thorough. Your bank may have a calculator online that you could check out.

How long ago were calculators first used in our country?

Which country is 'our country'? It could be one of about 200 countries.

Are there any websites that could help me with healthy weight calculators?

There are many websites that offer healthy weight calculators. One such place can be found here: