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Gravitational potential energy, is the energy an object possesses by reason of its position in a gravitational field. While elastic potential energy, is the energy stored by a material or object as a result of deformation e.g. the energy stored in a bow when it is stretched.

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Q: Define elastic potential energy and gravitional potential energy?
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What is an example of a joule?

A joule is simply a unit to measure energy. Examples of energy include gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, sound energy, light energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy.

How is gravitational potential energy different from potential energy?

It is different because gravitational potential energy is when something is getting pulled by gravity and potential energy is stored energy which means that it is not moving and the energy is not getting released as gravitational energy is.

Is Book on a high shelf chemical or potential energy?

Potential energy.

What is the gravitational potential at infinity?

With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.With potential energy, what matters is the difference in potential energy, not the energy in absolute terms. To simplify calculations, the gravitational potential at infinity is arbitrarily set to zero. This gives objects that are nearer than infinity (to any object that attracts them gravitationally), a negative potential energy.

Relationship between gravitational and potential energy?

Gravitational + Potential = 100 If you have 67 J of potential energy your gravitational energy would be 33 J.

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What is the name for energy stored by a stretched or compressed object?

Elastic energy, for example, a stretched spring.

What form of energy does a compressed spring have?

This is known as elastic energy. It is a type of potential energy.

Give one example of an object before and after it has gained elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy refers to the potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object. An example of this is a spring, which springs back before it has gained elastic potential energy. After a spring gains elastic potential energy, it will be deformed.

What is a form of potential energy?

There are three main types of potential energy: elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and chemical potential energy. Elastic potential energy is stored in objects that can either be stretched or compressed. The more the object is stretched or compressed, the more elastic potential energy it'll have.

What type of energy is stored in the elastic?

Potential Elastic Energy.

What energy is in elastic objects?

kinetic and elastic potential energy

What sentence can you use for elastic potential energy?

elastic potential energy is stored by the forces within a disorted elastic object

What form of energy is associated with the position of an object in Earth's gravitional field?

Potential energy

What kinds of energy does a spring have?

a spring possesses elastic potential energy when compressed or stretched.

How does an elastic power car work?

Elastic cars work by converting elastic potential energy into kinetic energy. The most potential energy, the more kinetic energy.

What elastic potential energy depends on?

Elastic potential energy depends on the distance the object is compressed or stretched.