

Definition to exponential equations

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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An exponential equation is one in which a variable occurs in the exponent.

An exponential equation in which each side can be expressed in

terms of the same base can be solved using the property:

If the bases are the same, set the exponents equal.

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The answer will depend on what kinds of equations: there are linear equations, polynomials of various orders, algebraic equations, trigonometric equations, exponential ones and logarithmic ones. There are single equations, systems of linear equations, systems of linear and non-linear equations. There are also differential equations which are classified by order and by degree. There are also partial differential equations.

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One definition I read was that exponential growth happens when more customers buy more products more often. This explanation was given by a marketing guru, Jay Abrahams.

What is the definition of multi-step equations?

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