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If you are talking about Geometry, then it tricked me, too. Turns out, hypothesis is what is AFTER the "if." DO NOT INCLUDE THE "IF", IT'S WRONG. And the conclusion is everything AFTER the "then." DO NOT INCLUDE "THEN", IT'S WRONG!" And the hypothesis does NOT have to come before the conclusion.


If it is Monday, then we have school.

hypothesis, "It is Monday."

conclusion, "We have school."

example of the If-Then going "Then-If" (so to speak):

We have school if it is Monday.

hypothesis, "It is Monday."

conclusion, "We have school."

See? Simple, right. But, tests can be tricky, so watch out!

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Q: Determine the conclusion in this conditional statement?
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The statement in which the hypothesis becomes the conclusion and vice-versa is called the Converse.

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