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Q: Did the British stop taxing the colonist?
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When did the colonists dumped the tea?

The colonist dumped tea because the British were taxing them

Why was the brithish taxing colonist fair?

because the colonist owedthe money to the british because the british gave them a free life with no taxes and free food

Who refuses to listen to the cries of colonist responsible for taxing colonist?

I'm unsure of your question. If you mean who was responsible for taxing the American colonists and refused to listen to their cries. It was both King George III and the British Parliament.

Describe the conflicting arguments of colonist and Britain concernign taxes?

The colonist thought that they did not deserve to be taxed since they won the war for the British, but the British thought differently. The British saw it as since they supplies and funded food and supplies for the soldiers that it was fair. But why did the British need to tax the colonist? Well after supplying good for the colonist they were in severe debt. They thought the best way to get out of debt was to tax the colonist on everything. From sugar, to even taxing them on important document. It later turned into the British taxing them on basically everything.

What type of colonist were loyalist?

loyalist are people who stuck with king george 3 and the British Goverment during when the British were taxing the colonies

Did British expected their actions to cause the colonist to unite against them?

No, because they knew that none of the colonists could stop them from taxing on them.also because they thought that they were the controller of the colonies and the people would do as said.

Why did the colonist destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

Why were colonist angry about british taxes?

colonist were upset because king george III was only taxing them 3 cents which means 30 bucks now and he was only taxing them becacause king george III needed money for the french and Indian war

Why was the town shed act important?

inportant because the british cept taxting and taxing and taxing and they would not stop and every one was important

Why did colonist think the stamp act was unfair?

because the british were a bunch of greedy little pigs

Why were the colonist mad with the British?

The British were upset at the colonists because the rejected many of their acts that they enforced. British did not treat the colonies fairly and only saw them as a way to make money. (The mercantile theory) However, the colonists thought that the acts that the British Parlament enforced were outrageous, especially the Stamp Act and the Tea Act. The Stamp Act resulted in a famous phrase created by a colonist, "No taxation without representation!" The Tea Act was hated by the colonies so much that it resulted in a well known event called the Boston Tea Party.

Why did Britain start taxing the colonist?

Because they had to pay for the protection.