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Q: Divide into smaller hostile regions
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What is the definition of balkanization?

Balkanization is the fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile or uncooperative with one another.

Why do you divide the earth into regions?

why do we divide the earh into regions?

Meristems are regions of what?

These regions, where cells continuously divide, are where plant growth originates.

What do geographers divide the world into?


Why do geographers divide the world into cultural regions?

they divide the world into different cultural reasons because it helps make it easier if they group regions by language , religion,and politics.

Does the balkanization region imply its political unification?

No, Balkanization is a geopolitical term, originally used to describe the violent process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or non-cooperative with one another.

Do you divide or multiply when changing meters to centermeter?

Centimeters are smaller ,right? If you multiply , it will get bigger, if u divide it gets smaller, divide.

How many regions do 35 parallel lines in a plane divide that plane?

20 regions

Into how many regions do 35 parallel lines in a plane divide that plan?

Into 36 regions.

What are meristems regions?

The meristems are regions of active growth. Cells divide mitotically in this region.

What ways can you divide the earth into physical regions?

- Time Zones - Continents - Climate Regions

What is the analogy of cut?

To divide something into smaller and smaller pieces until you won't be able to divide it anymore.