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Yes, two equal right-angle triangles.

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Q: Dividing a rectangle in half diagonally always produces two equal triangles?
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If you divide a 4 in by 8 in rectangle from corner to corner what new shapes do you get?

From one corner diagonally to the opposite corner produces two right triangles with side lengths 4 inches and 8 inches, and hypotenuse 4 (sq rt 5) inches, and area of 16 square inches.Drawing diagonals from both sets of opposite corners produces four isosceles triangles, two with bases of 8 inches/height 2 inches and two with bases of 4 inches/ height 4 inches, all with the same area of 8 square inches.

A diagonal forms two non-congruent triangles?

False. A diagonal of a parallelogram produces 2 congruent triangles

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Yes. An isosceles triangle has two angles the same. Dividing a square into two across one diagonal produces two isosceles triangles with a right-angle at the third corner.

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Since 26/26 is equal to 1, and dividing by 1 produces the same result, 26/100 / 1 = 26/100 or 0.26.

What is a vertical section through the body dividing it into left and right halves called?

This is called a sagittal plane if divided this way with symmetrical left and right halves. If the section produces asymmetrical halves, this is a parasagittal section.

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Factors are numbers that produce a product when multiplied together. A divisor is a number that produces a product when multiplied by a quotient, which is also a factor. When you're dividing, you call them divisors and when you're multiplying you call them factors, but they're just different words for the same thing.

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Equal to what ?... There are many 'magic square' possibilities depending on the rule for the total. For example - the following grid produces a magic square where all rows, columns and diagonals total 15 ! 816 357 492

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Vibrating produces sound.