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Q: Do a squares have two sets of parallel sides?
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What shape with 4 sides has 2 pairs of parallel sides?

Quadrilaterals with two sets of parallel sides are parallelograms. Parallograms include squares, rectangles, and rhombi (rhombuses).

How squares and rectangles alike?

They both have two sets of parallel sides, and they both have four right angles.

Are some parallelogram a square?

All squares are parallelograms. The definition of parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. A square is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel lines, so it is also a parallelogram

What is the negation of the statement Squares are parallelogram?

Squares are people with no life. Parallelograms have two sets of sides that are each parallell to the respective opposite side. People do not have two sets of sides, nor are humanic sides parallel. Therfore, a square is not similar/congruent/equal to a parallelogram.

Can a triangle have 2 sets of parallel sides?

No. A parallelogram has two sets of parallel sides.

What quadrilaterals have two parallel sides'?

Squares, rectangles, parallelograms and rhombuses have two parallel sides. The other two are also parallel. A trapezium has only two parallel sides.

Why are only some rectangles squares?

All rectangles have four right angles, and two sets of parallel sides (two are perpendicular to the other two. However, the square is a special type of rectangle that has 4 equal sides as well as the 4 equal angles. A rectangle will have two sets of parallel sides of equal length.

Is a square and rectangle a parallelagram?

Yes, squares and rectangles are parallelograms. Any figure with two sets of parallel sides is considered to be a parallelogram.

What is a quadrilateral has two sets of equal sides but no sets of parallel sides?


Is a square a shape with two parallel sides and no right angles?

No. A square has 2 sets of parallel sides and FOUR RIGHT ANGLES.A rhombus has two sets of parallel sides and NO right angles.

How many pairs of parallel sided does a rectangle have?

It has 2 pairs of parallel sides

Does a rhombus have 1 set of parallel sides?

No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides.