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Q: Do all parallelogram have diagonals of equal length?
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Is every property of parallelogram also a property of all rectangles?

No as for example the diagonals of a rectangle are equal in length whereas they are not equal in length in a parallelogram

Is a parallelogram's diagonals perpendicular?

If the parallelogram happens to also be a rhombus (i.e. has all sides equal in length) then yes, otherwise no.

Which is the best classification for a parallelogram with perpendicular diagonals?

It is a rhombus. All four sides have the same length and the diagonals are therefore perpendicular.

Is t he two diagonals connecting opposite corners of a rhomboid must always be equal?

This is false for all rhomboids (a distinct parallelogram such that 4 sides are equal, and has non-right angles), since by congruency, a parallelogram can be flipped on its axis (with 2 closer vertices), producing 2 unequal length diagonals.

Which group of quadrilaterals has diagonals that bisect their opposite angles?

Either a square or rectangle fit this description.

Which quadrilateral has All sides are the same length the diagonals are not equal in length?


Which quadrilaterals have diagonals that are not equal in length?

All but the square and rectangle.

In a parallelogram are the diagonals equal?

No, the properties of a paralleogram are as follows:two parallel sidesbisecting diagonalsequal opposite anglesand it does not need to have all equal sides it just needs to have OPPOSITE equal sidesIf the diagonals were equal, the figure would have to be a square, rectangle, or rhombus.No. In fact they are equal only in exceptional circumstances.

Are all parallelogram have diagonal of equal length?

No. Most do not.

What is an equilaterial parallelogram that does not have right angles?

A Rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal in length.

A parallelogram with all side the same length but no a rectangle?

It could be either of the following: * Rhombus - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length. * Square - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length and four angles of equal size (right angles).

Is a square sometimes a rhombus?

By definition, a rhombus is a parallelogram with all its sides equal in length and is symmetrical about each of its diagonals..A square is a rectangle with all its sides equal in length and is symmetrical about its diagonals and the axes perpendicularly bisecting each pair of opposite sides.Consequently, a square can never be a rhombus but it could be argued that a rhombus whose vertex angles all become 90° then becomes a square.