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Q: Do ceramics expand more or less than metals?
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Do ceramics conduct electricity?

Certain types of ceramics like chromium dioxide, conduct electricity just like metals do. Silicon carbide is a semi-conductor. However, there are also other types of ceramics like aluminum oxide do not conduct electricity at all.

Why has not the earth's crust blown off due to the expansion of metals under the crust?

because it streatched more as the metals expand

What are metals that expand and contract?

Metals expand when heated because when heat touches the atoms they bounce around even more than they already do so they need more space. When you cool a metal it contracts. Would you get closer to someone when your cold?

What are the characteristics of ceramics?

Physical properties means the behavior of materials in response to physical forces other than mechanical, such as; Volumetric, thermal, electric and electrochemical properties. Most Ceramics are lighter than metals but heavier than polymers. Most ceramics have a higher melting point than most metals as it is that some ceramics such as China can with stand high temperatures to about 1200 degrees centigrade. Ceramics also has lower Electrical and Thermal Conductivity than most metals but the range of value is greater in ceramics permitting some ceramics to be used as insulators, for example Porcelain insulators and others as conductors like Lithium-ion conducting glass-ceramics and oxide ceramics. Thermal expansion is another physical property of ceramics, Ceramic thermal expansion coefficients are less than those of metals but effects are more damaging in ceramics bringing about cracks and other failures(Thermal shock and thermal cracking) as for ceramic materials with relatively high thermal expansion and low thermal conductivity however there is glass ceramics that has low thermal expansion thus resisting thermal shock and thermal cracking, for example Pyrex glass ceramics. Thus the physical properties being but not limited to permeability, elasticity, considerable strength, hardness, brittleness, resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock.

Is a semi metal hard?

Their hardness will be less than that of metals but more than that of non metals. Hence the name, semi metals or metalloids.

Use ionization energy to explain why metals lose electrons more easily than nonmetals?

Metals lose electrons more easily than the non-metals because they require less ionization energy compared with the non-metals. The metals require less ionization energy to lose the electrons than though gain the electrons unlike the non-metals.

What happens to bimetallic strip when it is heated and cooled?

The two metals have different expansion rates when the strip is heated. This means that one of the metals will expand more than the other, causing the strip to bend.

Where can one find more information about unpainted ceramics?

One can find more information about unpainted ceramics at a local Rona hardware store. At Rona, they sell many painting tools, which include unpainted ceramics.

Does the glass tube in a fire sprinkler expand more or less than the liquid inside the tube?

The contents of the glass envelope expand and break the envelope. That allows the valve to open and release the water. The contents expand more than the tube.

Why did roman coins decrease?

Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.Roman coins decreased in value because they had less of the precious metals in their composition.

Is noble gases metals that are more reactive than the transition elements but less reactive than the alkali metals?

No, the noble gasses are nonmetals that are less reactive than all other elements.

Are there more metals or nonmetals?

There are more metals than non-metals. This occurs because of the transition metals group. When looking at a group on the periodic table the transition metals makes up a large portion because they are the atoms that take use of the the d orbital for electrons. The d orbital has room for 10 electrons and therefore there is a large number of transition metals per group.