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Yes, equilateral triangles have congruent interior angles, and each of the three interior angles measures 60 degrees.

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Q: Do equilateral triangles have congruent interior angles?
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How many congruent sides and angles do equilateral triangles have?

Equilateral triangles have three congruent sides and three congruent angles

Are all equilateral triangles are congruent?

no. if one triangles sides are all 2 and one triangles sides are all 3 then they are not congruent

What are angles segments triangles etc that have exactly the same measures?

They are said to be regular polygons such as equilateral triangles, squares and other polygons that have congruent sides and equal congruent interior angles.

What shape has congruent angles?

Regular polygons have congruent angles such as squares and equilateral triangles.

What is the problem if angles are not congruent?

None! If the angles are not congruent then the shapes are not similar of congruent. But that is not a problem. The angles of an equilateral triangle are not congruent to the angles of a square but that does not mean that you cannot work with equilateral triangles or squares!

A type of triangle with no equal sides?

There are three types of triangles. Scalene triangles have no congruent sides or angles, equilateral triangles have 3 congruent sides and 3 60degree angles, and isosceles triangles have two congruent sides and two congruent angles.

How do you compare and contrast an equilateral triangle and a square?

Differences: Squares have 4 sides / equilateral triangles have 3 sides. Squares have 90 degree angles / equilateral triangles have 60 degree angles. Squares have 2 diagonals / equilateral triangles have none Similarities: All sides of the shape are congruent All angles of the shape are congruent

What is a congruent equilateral triangles?

In a congruent equilateral triangle all 3 sides are the same length and all 3 angles are the same.

What are the properties of the different types of triangle?

There are three types of triangles. Equilateral triangles have three congruent sides and three sixty-degree angles. Isosceles triangles have two congruent sides and the angles opposite those two sides are also congruent. Scalene triangles have no congruent sides or angles.

What has three congruent angles?

an equilateral triangle has three congruent triangles (each one is 60 degrees)

What make triangles congruent?

Triangles are congruent to each other if they have the same 3 sides in length and have the same interior angles.

What has all sides and all angles are congruent?

Regular polygons such as squares and equilateral triangles