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No but they can have 2 obtuse and 2 acute angles

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Q: Do parallelograms have 4 obtuse angles?
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Do parallelograms have acute obtuse or right angles?

acute and obtuse.

What kind of angles do parallelograms have?

Acute, obtuse and opposite angles are equal

Which three quadrilaterals have obtuse angles?

parallelograms, rhombuses, & hexagons

Can A parallelogram can have obtuse angles?

Yes. All rhombuses (rhombi), apart from the special case of squares, are parallelograms with 2 obtuse angles.

Can a parallelograms contain obtuse angles?

Yes because a parallelogram normally has 2 equal opposite obtuse angles and 2 equal opposite acute angles in which all 4 angles add up to 360 degees.

Do parallelograms have no congruent angles?

Parallelograms normally have 2 congruent obtuse angles and 2 congruent acute angles that altogether add up to 360 degrees

Does a paralletogram have two right angles and two obtuse angles?

No because all parallelograms have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees. So 2 right angles and 2 obtuse angles would be greater than 360 degrees.

Can a rectangle have more than one obtuse angle?

A rectangle cannot have any obtuse angles; it contains only right angles. Parallelograms can have two, provided that the others are acute.

Is it possible for a quadrilateral to have 2 obtuse angels?

Yes. All parallelograms, except their degenerates form (rectangles), must have two obtuse angles.

Can a parallelogram only have acute angles?

no parallelograms can have either obtuse or acute angles. however not a right angle s it makes it a rectangle

What are the differences between Parallelograms and rectangles?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals having 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees but a rectangle has 4 right angles whereas a parallelogam has 2 equal obtuse and 2 equal acute angles

What describes the angles of some parallelograms?

In all parallelograms, opposite angles are equal and the 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees. In someparallelograms, all of the angles are 90 degrees. These parallelograms are rectangles.