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If the two signs are next to one another then the minus sign takes precedence and you subtract.

So 1 + -2 = 1 - 2 = -1

Note: This is the same as for "normal" subtractions. Consider 2 - 1. We all know that this is 1. But, as both 1 & 2 are positive numbers, we could rewrite 2 - 1 as "+2 - +1". The minus sign "wins out" and we subtract.

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Q: Do you add or subtract when you have a negative an a positive?
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No, you add the positive to the negative.

What do you do when subtracting a positive and a negative?

If you subtract a negative from a positive, add both of their absolute values. If you subtract a positive from a negative, add both of their absolute values and multiply by negative one.

Do you add or subtract when you have a negative number and a positive?

Subtract and add the sign of the greater number.

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A little awkwardly phrased, so I'll answer both ways. To subtract a negative from anything, add its positive. To subtract a positive from a negative, the equation is treated as though you are adding two postives, the result is negative.

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You have to take the negative sign away from the negative number and add them.

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The same as with positive ones. Make sure they have the same denominator and add or subtract their numerators.

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If both numbers are positive, simply add them as you learned in 4th grade. If both numbers are negative,simply add them but add a minus to the answer. If one is positive and the other negative, ignoring the signs,subtract the smaller from the larger and add the sign of the larger to your answer.

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+2 + -1= 1

Rules for adding integers?

When you add: a negative and a negative: you get a negative a positive and a positive: you get a positive a positive and a negative or a negative and a positive: Subtract the addend with the smaller value from the greater one. If the greater one is positive, your answer will be positive. If the greater addend is negative, your answer will be negative.

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On the number line if you subtract a positive you move left. If you add a positive you move right. If add a negative you move left. If you subtract a negative you move right. That is just how I learned it. I don't know a wordy explanation.