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Well it depends on what math problem your doing.

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Q: Do you round a number to the ones or tens or hundreds place?
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How do you round 350 to the nearest hundred?

350 rounded to nearest hundred is 400. After it is rounded, everything to the right of the hundreds place is set to zero. For the number 350, 3 is the hundreds place, 5 is the tens place, and 0 is the ones place. Since you are rounding to hundreds, look at the tens place digit: if it is 0-4, then hundreds digit is unchanged, but if it is 5-9 (like your question), then it rounds up, so you zero out the tens and ones digits then add 100 to that number.

What is the hundreds tens and ones place?

This is how we separate a 3 digit number into different sections. For Example: If we have the number 125, The "1" would be the hundreds place in the number, the "2" would be in the tens place in the number, and the "5" would be in the ones place in the number.

What number am I I am a 3 digit number. The digit in the hundreds place is 4 times the digit in the ten place. The digit in the ones place is the sum of the digits in the hundreds and ten places. If t?


Round 94 to the nearest ten?

Okay, what this means is to simplify the number 94 to the nearest ten. The 9 is in the tens place, and the 4 is in the ones place. So if you want to round to the nearest ten, you look at the number in the ones place; if the number in the ones place is any number from 1 to 4 then it gets rounded to zero. But if the number in the ones place is any number from 5 to 9, it is rounded up. So, if you look at 94, the four is in the ones place thus rounding 94 down to 90.

What number has 3 hundreds and 18 ones?

The number that has 3 hundreds and 18 ones is 318.

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You cannot round a number with a place value larger than the place value you seek to round it to. i.e. You cannot round thousands to hundreds, hundreds to tens, tens to ones, etc.

How do you round 208930?

It all depends where you are rounding the number to. (ones, tens, hundreds etc.)

What is the Value of the 2 in the number 765,234?

Your correct answer is hundreds place because you have your ones period like ones tens hundreds same with the thousands period ones tens hundreds.

How to round 767.456 to the nearest ones?

Since the number to the right of the ones place is four, round down. The answer is 767

How do you round 9 to the nearest ten?

You take the number given and divided it by its places. Example: 654, the 6 is in the hundreds, the 5 is in the tens amd the 4 is in the ones. So in your case the 9 is in the tens place. If the number is betweek 0 and 4 it rounds down to a 0. If the number is between 5 and 9 then you round up to ten. Example: 654 To the ones 650 To the tens 650 To the Hundreds 700 So for the number 9 it would round to 10.

Which number has 8 in the hundred place?

In the number 123, 3 is in the ones place, 2 is in the tens place, and 1 is in the hundreds place. So, a number with 8 in the hundreds place is probably 800. Although, this could refer to any number in the 800s, because they all have 8 in the hundreds place.

How do you round 350 to the nearest hundred?

350 rounded to nearest hundred is 400. After it is rounded, everything to the right of the hundreds place is set to zero. For the number 350, 3 is the hundreds place, 5 is the tens place, and 0 is the ones place. Since you are rounding to hundreds, look at the tens place digit: if it is 0-4, then hundreds digit is unchanged, but if it is 5-9 (like your question), then it rounds up, so you zero out the tens and ones digits then add 100 to that number.

What is the hundreds tens and ones place?

This is how we separate a 3 digit number into different sections. For Example: If we have the number 125, The "1" would be the hundreds place in the number, the "2" would be in the tens place in the number, and the "5" would be in the ones place in the number.

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What number represents the digit in the tens place of the number 328?

3 is in the hundreds place2 is in the tens place8 is in the ones place

Is 233 a even or odd number?

It's an odd number even thought the hundreds place is even, the ones place is not

What number am I I am a 3 digit number. The digit in the hundreds place is 4 times the digit in the ten place. The digit in the ones place is the sum of the digits in the hundreds and ten places. If t?