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Q: Do you think the relationship between the length of the side of a square and its area will remain the same for squares bigger than 15 units?
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If the length of each side of the bigger squares is x times the length of the side of the smaller square, then the area of the bigger square is x2 times the area of the smaller square.

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All squares have four right angles and all sides the same length. All squares having the same side length are the same.

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A rhomubus is a quadrilateral whose sides are all equal length. A square has four sides that are equal length AND the angle between all sides must be equal to 90 degrees. A rhombus does not have to have a 90 degree angle between ALL sides.

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The main difference between squares and trapezoids is that, while the length all four sides of a square are equal, trapezoids have two sides with equal length and two sides of different length. Also, the opposite pairs of sides in a square are parallel, while only one pair of sides in a trapezoid is parallel.