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No. On Earth, each kilogram weighs about 9.8 newtons. On the Moon, the weight of each kilogram is about 1/6 of what it is on Earth.

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Q: Does a 20kg object have the same weight on earth as it does the moon?
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If an object has a mass of 20kg on earth what is the mass of the object on moon?

The mass on the moon will remain the same, 20 kg If the object's mass is 20 kg, then it's 20 kg. On Earth, on the moon, on Mars, or floating weightless in a space ship coasting from one of them to another. Weight depends on where you are, but mass doesn't.

What is the weight of a 10-kg object on the Moon compared to its weight on Earth?

The weight of any object on the Moon is about 1/6 of the weight of the same object on the Earth.

How does the weight of an object on earth compare with it's weight on the moon?

On the Earth, the object weighs 6.04 times as much as its weight on the moon.

What is the gravitational weight difference between the moon and earth?

The weight of an object on the moon's surface is 16.3% of the same object's weight on the earth's surface.

What is the weight of a 40 kg object on the moon?

Who an object transported from Earth to the Moon has the?

An object transported from the Earth to the moon has a different weight and same mass.

What is the weight in newton of a 20 kg mass on earth and the moon?

The equation to determine the weight of a body on the earth or moon is a modification of Newton's second law, W = mg, where W is weight in Newtons, m is mass in kg, and g is acceleration due to gravity in m/s2.Acceleration due to gravity on the earth is 9.8m/s2. A 20kg mass on the earth would weigh W = 20kg x 9.8m/s2 = 196N.Acceleration due to gravity on the earth is 1.63m/s2. A 20kg mass on the moon would weigh W = 20kg x 1.63m/s2 = 32.6N.

Why is there a difference in an object's weight on Earth and on the Moon?

Because the gravitational force between any two objects depends on the product of both their masses. The object's weight on earth depends on the object's mass and the earth's mass, whereas its weight on the moon depends on the object's mass and the moon's mass. Since the moon's mass is very different from the earth's mass, the object's weight is also different there.

What is the weight of an object on the moon compared to the earth?

it is your weight on earth divided by 10

How does the weight of an object on the earth's surface vary with its weight on the moon?

An object will weigh approximately 6 times HEAVIER on earth than it would on the moon.

Why is the weight of an object on the moon different from that on earth?

Because there is less gravity on the moon

Why is the weight of an object on the moon different from from the earth?

Because there is less gravity on the moon