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Not necessarily, but it can.

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Q: Does a parallelagram have right angles?
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What has two parallel sides and no right angles?


A parallelagram with four right angles?

a trapizoid(:? i think!!(::

How many right angles are in a parallelagram?

0 or 4

What has two parallel sides and two right Angles?


Does a parallelagram have 4 right angles?

How am I supposed to know go check on the Internet

Draw a quadrangle that has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no right angles?

Draw a parallelagram this has the opposite sides parallel and no right angles

Parallelagram with four right angles?

Rectangle.Note:It's enough to say that it has one right angle, and the result is the same.

What shape has 4 equal sides and its opposite sides are parallel and it has no right angles?

The answer to this question is a parallelagram

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What has no parallel sides and no angles?


How many acute angles are there in a parallelagram?

A parallelogram has 0 or 2 acute angles. If the parallelogram happens to have four right-angled corners, it is still a parallelogram (and a rectangle), but no acute angles.

You are a quadrangle have two pairs of parallel side of your angles are right angles you are not a square what are you?

parallelagram well specifically you would be a rectangle which has parallel sides like a square. a parallelogram can be a square or a rectangle because they all have parallel sides but only squares and rectangles have right angles on all sides. parallelograms have congruent sides which require acute and obtuse angles.