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Yes - two pairs.

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Q: Does a rhombus have any parrell lines?
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Does a Rhombus have parrel sides?

no, a rhombus (diamond) does not have parrell sides!!!!!!

How many parrell sides are in a rhombus?

A rhombus has two pairs of equal opposite parallel sides

What does a rectangle have?

two parrell lines

What does a rectangle?

two parrell lines

Are there any parallel lines in a rhombus?

there are no parralel line in a rhombus

What is a quadrilaterreal whose opposite sides are parrell?

a parallelogram, like a square, rectangle, rhombus...

2 shapes that have parrell lines?

a tetagon

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There are no parallel lines in a triangle !

Are there any adjacent lines in a rhombus?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides

Does a rhombus have any lines of symmetry?

Yes, two.

Are there any lines of symmetry in a rhombus?

Yes, there are two. They run between the opposite angles of the rhombus.

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