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Q: Does a variable serve as a placeholder for a number?
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What does varialbe mean?

In math, a variable is used for a number that is not know, and which you want to figure out. It can also be a placeholder for any number, to explore relationships that are true for all numbers, or for a large range of numbers.In computer science, a variable is a name for a place in memory, where you store some data.

What is ' percent username percent ' in Windows 2003?

It is a variable placeholder for the user name in a computer (%username%).

Is 0 a number or a placeholder?


What are zeros that do not serve merely as placeholders?

A zero can commonly be distinguished as a placeholder zero or a leading zero.

What does a number and two letters mean in algebra?

Generally speaking, a letter in algebra refers to a variable, that is, it is a placeholder for any specific value that can be used in that equation.In algebra syntax, a number next to a variable, or a variable next to another variable, with no explicit arithmetic symbol between them, mean to multiply the two values.So:2aMeans to multiply the variable value of "a" by two.In your question:2aball values should be multiplied. So, the result would be 2 times the variable value of "a" times the variable value of "b".

What is variabale?

It is spelled variable, and is simply a placeholder. You can assign a value to a variable, which points at the memory base of the value. A variable can be called almost anything, however there are certain things they cannot be named. Read some C programming tutorials for a complete explanation of variables.

Is x a prime number?

x is a placeholder for a number. Depending what number you decide that x should be, it will be a prime number, or it won't.

Can you delete a placeholder?

After a placeholder is selected, how do you delete it?

How many significant digits are in this number 390?

Two. The zero is just a placeholder.