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If an object is sustaining a constant velocity it has 0 acceleration, because acceleration is either increasing or decreasing speed.

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An object experiencing a constant velocity has zero acceleration. This is because acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity over time. When velocity is constant, there is no change in velocity, leading to zero acceleration.

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Q: Does an object experiencing a constant velocity have a zero or non-zero value for acceleration?
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Can an object have zero velocity and nonzero acceleration?

Yes, an object can have zero velocity and nonzero acceleration. This occurs when the object is changing its direction but not its speed. For example, in circular motion, the object's velocity is constantly changing direction, leading to a nonzero acceleration even when its speed is constant.

Can object have zero acceleration and nonzero velocity at the same time.give example?

Yes, an object moving at a constant velocity has zero acceleration even though it has a non-zero velocity. For example, a car driving at a steady speed on a straight highway has a constant velocity but zero acceleration.

Can a situation exist in which an object has zero acceleration and nonzero velocity even for an instant?

No, if an object has zero acceleration, its velocity cannot be changing. If the velocity is nonzero, it must either be increasing or decreasing, which requires acceleration.

Do you agree with the statement an object with a zero velocity can have an acceleration greater than zero do you agree?

Yes, an object can have a zero velocity but a nonzero acceleration if it is changing its direction. For example, if an object is moving in a circular path at a constant speed, its velocity is zero at every instant, but its acceleration towards the center of the circle is nonzero.

Under what conditions is it possible to have a constant speed yet a nonzero acceleration?

A body can have a constant speed yet a nonzero acceleration when it is in a circular motion because though it is having a constant speed but the direction in which it is moving keeps changing at each instance and since acceleration is a vector quantity,it becomes non-zero.

If the velocity of a particle is nonzero can the particle's acceleration be zero?

yes. If the forces acting on the a moving particle are in equilibrium, (e.g. when a spherical object reaches terminal velocity (neglecting increased air resistance as it gets closer to the ground)) then the particle will be moving at a velocity, that is not 0, yet the velocity will remain constant, and the body will not accelerate or decelerate in any direction, and thus the acceleration is 0.

Can object have zero acceleration and nonzero velocity at the same time and give examples?

If an object has zero acceleration, its velocity doesn't have to be zero. Acceleration is a measure of the change in velocity over time. Zero acceleration means there is no change in velocity over time, namely constant velocity. Constant velocity can be any velocity (including zero velocity or "at rest"), so the object's velocity doesn't have to be zero to have zero acceleration.

How can an object moving at a constant speed have a nonzero acceleration?

Let's review some terms before we tackle this one. Speed is displacement per unit of time. We know 60 miles per hour is a speed. Velocity is speed with a direction vector associated with it. We know 60 miles per hour east is velocity. Acceleration is a change in velocity. That means if an object changes its speed or its direction or both, it is accelerating.If an object has a given velocity and it slows down or speeds up, it is accelerated. But if the same object changes direction without a change in speed, it is still experiencing acceleration. A force had to act on the object to change its direction, even though its speed didn't change. Thus, an object can accelerate even though it does not change speed.

How is it possible to be accelerating and traveling at a constant speed?

Acceleration is the change in velocity with respect to time. Velocity is the change in position with respect to time (not the change in speed with respect to time, as you have written). Both acceleration and velocity are vector quantities, which means they have both a magnitude and a direction. Speed is simply the magnitude of the velocity. (It's what's called a "scalar" quantity, which is just a number without an associated direction.) An object can have a constant speed, but its direction of motion can be changing over time, so it's velocity is changing. The resulting nonzero change in velocity per unit time is the acceleration. An object need not be moving in a circle to meet these conditions. An object that moves at constant speed, but follows any path that is not a straight line must experience an acceleration. A circular path (like a satellite's orbit) is simply one example example of this.

How is it possible to accelerating and traveling at a constant speed?

Acceleration is the change in velocity with respect to time. Velocity is the change in position with respect to time (not the change in speed with respect to time, as you have written). Both acceleration and velocity are vector quantities, which means they have both a magnitude and a direction. Speed is simply the magnitude of the velocity. (It's what's called a "scalar" quantity, which is just a number without an associated direction.) An object can have a constant speed, but its direction of motion can be changing over time, so it's velocity is changing. The resulting nonzero change in velocity per unit time is the acceleration. An object need not be moving in a circle to meet these conditions. An object that moves at constant speed, but follows any path that is not a straight line must experience an acceleration. A circular path (like a satellite's orbit) is simply one example example of this.

Can you have a nonzero average velocity?

Yes. As long as the inital and end positions are different, you will have a nonzero average velocity.

Can a body have nonzero average speed but have zero average velocity give example?

Yes, a body can have a nonzero average speed but zero average velocity if it moves around a closed path and returns to its starting point. For example, if a car travels around a circular track at a constant speed, its average speed will be nonzero (as distance is covered), but its average velocity over the entire trip will be zero as the displacement is zero.