

Does any number have 10 as a factor and also has 2 and 5?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does any number have 10 as a factor and also has 2 and 5?
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Does any number that has 10 also have 5 as a factor?

Correct. 5 and 2 are factors of 10, and will be factors of any number having 10 as a factor.

Does any number that has 10 as a factor also have 5 as a factor explain?

Any number that has another number for a factor has that number's factors as factors as well. Since 5 is a factor of 10, all multiples of 10 have 5 as a factor.

Can any number that has 10 as a factor also have 5 as a factor?

Every such number has.

The number 10 is a factor of any number that ends with?

the number 10 is a factor of any number that ends with zero

Why all the factors of 10 are also factors of 20 and 40?

Because 10 is a factor of 20 and 40. So any number which divides 10 evenly divides the factor of 20 or 40 evenly

Is 10 a factor of 15 or 25?

No, 10 is not a factor of either 15 or 25. Any number for which 10 is a factor will end in 0. Both 15 and 25 have 5 as a factor, but not 10.

What is the greatest common factor of 10 -2 and 14?

The greatest sommon factor of 10 -2 and 14 is 2.

Gcf odd and even number is 10 and the greater number is 57 what is the other number?

The GCF means it's a factor of both numbers. 10 is not a factor of 57.

What number has 8 and 10 as a factor?

Any multiple of 40.

What is the highest factor of 20 and 50?

The highest factor of any number is the number itself. The GCF of 20 and 50 is 10.

What is 10 to the 1 power as a factor?

Any number to the first power is the number itself.

Factor vrs multiples?

Any number is a factor and a multiple of itself. Other factors are less than the number, other multiples are more. 5 is a factor of 10. 10 is a multiple of 5.