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I cannot say about "lenght", but distance is a measure of length so length affects distance. Speed is the rate of change of distance (over time) so length affects speed.

Mass does not significantly affect speed or distance but, because they are affected by acceleration and acceleration is affected by mass (for a given force), then mass affects them.

Also, mass affects space time and the presence or absence of mass changes the lines along which distances are measured and so distances and speed are affected.

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Q: Does length and mass affect speed and distance?
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Length is a fundamental quatity. But area is a derived one. Because area is nothing but the product of length and length. Volume too is a derived one as volume is length x length x length. Mass in fundamental. But density is mass / volume. Hence density is derived. Density is mass / lengthx lengthx length Same way time is fundamental . BUt speed is derived as speed is distance ie length divided by time. So speed is length/ time. Electric current is fundamental. But electric charge is a derived one as charge = current x time. Work done is derived as work is got right from mass x length x length / time x time. Why so? Force x distance gives work. Mass x acceleration = force. But acceleration = velocity/ time. In turn velocity = length / time. So acceleration is length / time x time Hence force mass x length / time x time THere by work mass x length x length / time x time.

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Mass: kilogram Volume: cubic meter Distance/length: meter

How does mass affect how fast you will skate in speed skating?

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