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Only if it is water, which has a mass of 1gram per ml volume

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Q: Does one gram weight equals 1 ml volume?
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Does 25 milligrams equals 1 mililiter?

No. For one thing, a GRAM is a measure of weight, and a LITER is a measure of volume. Thats like asking "Does 6 pounds equal one gallon?"

One gram of water equals what volume?

The mass and volume of water was used to define the SI units for weight and volume, and is almost exactly 1 gram per milliliter (1 gram/cm3).Although this changes slightly with temperature, one gram of water is one cc or one mL of water.A liter of water at 25°C weighs about 0.997 kilograms.

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One carat of diamond weight equals 0.2 grams. One gram equals 1000 milligrams. Can you do the math?

How many 244 ml in gram?

Does not convert; one is a measure of weight and the other is a measure of volume.

How can you obtain the weight of the equal volume of water?

1 gram of water is exactly one mililiter.

Do cubic milliliters equals grams?

no, one is a measure of volume, the other weight.

What does One tenth of a gram equal to?

One tenth of a gram equals a decigram. One one hundreth of a gram equals a centigram and one one thousanth of a gram equals a milligram. See

How much is one sixth of a gram?

Yes One pound equals to 16 ounces and one ounce equals 0.06 of a pound. Also this relates only to solid (weight) ounces. There are two different kinds of ounces, ounces of weight/mass and ounces of volume (fluid). This can change when you are using the ounces to measure a non-liquid such as flour or sugar since the weight of dry items is not the same as their volume. An ounce of volume is called a "fluid ounce."

How much milliliter is in one gram?

you cant really since mL is a volume measure and grams is a weight measurement

Is bigger a kilogram or a gram?

a kilo is a thousand times bigger

What is 1 gram equals to how many mg?

One gram equals 1000 milligrams

What mg equals one gram?

100 or 1000 mg's equals 1 gram