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They will always contrast. Whether or not they will repel depends on the context. In electromagnetism they do not repel. In people, they might.

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Q: Does positive and negative contrast or repel?
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EX: ++ and -- (positive positive and negative negative)

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they will definatly attract

What charges repel each other.?

It is like charges that repel each other. A charge may be positive or negative. Two positive charges repel, as do two negative charges. A positive and negative charge, however, attract each other. This is a fundamental law of electrostatics: like charges repel and opposite charges attract.

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negative and positive charges

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a positive and a positive or a negative and a negative. Object with the same charge. Like charges repel each other.

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Neither charge on its own has an attractive force. Opposite charges (positive-negative) will attract while like charges (negative-negative or positive-positive) will repel.

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Will positive and positive repel or attract?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.