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Q: Does the order of the dividend and the divisor affect the quotient?
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What are the three numbers in a division problem called?

They are called (in alphabetical order) the dividend, the divisor, and the quotient.

Must a decimal divisor and a decimal dividend have the same number of decimal places in order to have a whole-number quotient?


What is 5 over 20 in lowest terms?

When you place five over twenty, it can be reduced to one over four, or one fourth.In this case, the dividend is five and the divisor is twenty.When the dividend is placed over the divisor, with a horizontal line separating the two, it creates a fraction. In order to reduce the fraction to its lowest common denominator, you divide the divisor by the dividend, so when you divide twenty by five, the result is four for the divisor and one for the dividend, which yields one over four, or one fourth. This can also be shown as twenty five percent (25%) since twenty five is one fourth of one hundred.

how many times does seven go into three?

Three cannot at all fit seven. In order for a division to produce a whole number or a quotient with a remainder, the divisor (the number being divided by) must be less than the dividend (the number being divided). Since 7 is larger than 3, it cannot be divided into 3 equally in this instance.

What is a Java program that finds the greatest common factor of two integers?

The easiest way to find the greatest common denominator of two integers with a computer program is to use the Euclidean algorithm. Of the most popular methods of finding the GCD of two numbers, the Euclidean algorithm does it with the least amount of work and requires the least amount of code.In order to understand the Euclidean algorithm, you'll need to know a few division terms:The dividend is the number to be divided.The divisor is the number being divided by.The quotient is the number of times the divisor divides into the dividend.The remainder is the amount "left over" when the divisor cannot go into the dividend an integral number of times.18A divided by 12B gives a quotient of 1C and a remainder of 6D. A is the dividend, B is the divisor, C is the quotient, and D is the remainder.The Euclidean algorithm works like this:Check if either of the two integers is 0. If so, there is no solution (Ø), as a number cannot share a GCD with zero. Besides, division by zero is a big no-no.Check if either of the two integers is 1. If so, 1 is the GCD.Divide the larger of the two integers by the smaller.Divide the divisor of the previous division operation by the remainder of the previous operation.Repeat step four until the remainder equals zero. When the remainder equals zero, the divisor of the last operation is the GCD.If you still don't get it, try looking at the Euclidean algorithm in action:Find the GCD of 84 and 18.Check to see if either 84 or 18 is equal to 0. Nope. Continue on...Check to see if either 84 or 18 is equal to 1. Nope. Continue on...Since 84 is larger than 18, divide 84 by 18. Quotient is 4, remainder is 12.Take the divisor of the last operation (18) and divide it by the remainder of the last operation (12). Quotient is 1, remainder is 6.Take the divisor of the last operation (12) and divide it by the remainder of the last operation (6). Quotient is 2, remainder is 0.When the remainder is 0, the divisor of the last operation is the GCD. So the GCD in this case is 6.You should now have a good grasp of how the Euclidean algorithm works. Now we need to turn it into code. We'll need three variables, all of them integers:int divisor, dividend, remainder;The purpose of the variables is self-explanatory. Next, we need to make a few decisions. We need to decide if the dividend or the divisor is 0. If that test is passed, then we need to decide if the dividend or the divisor is 1. If that test is passed, then we need make sure that dividend is larger than divisor.if(dividend 1) {printf("The GCD is 1.\n");}// Make sure the dividend is greater than the divisor.if(divisor > dividend) {remainder = dividend;dividend = divisor;divisor = remainder;}// Calculate the GCD.while(remainder != 0) {remainder = dividend % divisor;dividend = divisor;divisor = remainder;}// Display the answer to the user.printf("The GCD is %i.\n", dividend);}And the GCD lived happily ever after. The end.

What power of 10 will be used to divide a number in order to get quotient that is less than 10?


How do you know what to divide by while using a division ladder?

By following these steps, you do the prime factorisation using the ladder method; the steps show how the decision of the next divisor is made:At the top of the ladder start by setting the divisor to the smallest prime number (2).If the divisor does not divide into the dividend, set it to the next higher prime number and go back to step 2.Write the divisor in and divide by it to get the quotientIf the quotient is not 1 (and not a prime number) then using this quotient as the next dividend go to step 2.The list of divisors written in is the prime factorisation of the number.A reminder:Divisor - the number by which you are dividingDividend - the number into which you are dividingQuotient - the result of the division.The first few prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29If you are not sure of the prime numbers, then start with 2, and when that fails, then use the odd numbers starting with 3 (that is the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, ... in order) - not all of them are prime, but only the prime ones will divide in at any stage of the ladder as long as you use them in increasing size (or you make a mistake).example: Prime factorisation of 1638 using the steps:1. set divisor to 22. 1638 divisible by 23. 1638 ÷ 2 = 8194. dividend becomes 8192. 819 not divisible by 2, divisor becomes 32. 819 divisible by 33. 819 ÷ 3 = 2734. dividend becomes 2732. 273 divisible by 33. 273 ÷ 3 = 914. dividend becomes 912. 91 not divisible by 3, divisor becomes 52. 91 not divisible by 5, divisor becomes 72. 91 divisible by 73. 91 ÷ 7 = 134. dividend becomes 1313 is prime and so the need to go back to step 2 is unnecessary, but if the prime numbers are not known too well (see above), then the ladder could continue:2. 13 not divisible by 7, divisor becomes 92. 13 not divisible by 9, divisor becomes 11But if 9 is known not to be prime, then the above two steps would become a single step:2. 13 not divisible by 7, divisor becomes 11and the ladder would continue:2. 13 not divisible by 11, divisor becomes 132. 13 divisible by 133. 13 ÷ 13 = 14. quotient is 1leading the result:5. Prime factorisation is: 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 13When the dividend became 13, knowing the [smaller] prime numbers would help as it would be realised that 13 is prime and so there was no need to check 7 and 11.Drawn in ladder format, it looks like:2 | 1638...-------..3 | 819.....------..3 | 273.....------....7 | 91.......-----.........13Prime factorisation: 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 13

What are dividend checks?

an order of payment (such as a check payable to a shareholder) in which a dividend is paid

What is x cubed plus 3x squared minus 22x minus 90 divided by x minus 5 giving a reason why your answer is correct?

x3+3x2-22x-90 divided by x-5 equals x2+8x+18 For the answer to be correct then the quotient multiplied by the divisor must be equal to the dividend. Hence:- (x-5)*(x2+8x+18) Multiplying out the brackets term by term: x3-5x2+8x2-40x+18x-90 Collecting like terms in descending order: x3+3x2-22x-90 So the answer is correct.

Is payment of a dividend a requirement of a stock corporation?

No, corporations are not required to pay dividends on their stocks. However, some mutual funds are designed to only invest in dividend-paying stocks, so some corporations pay a miniscule dividend in order that those mutual funds might buy their stock.

What is the meaning of dividing integers?

It is the same thing as dividing whole numbers in order to find a quotient.

How does estimating help us place the decimal point in the quotient?

Estimating will give an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. The decimal point determines the order of magnitude.