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No. To calculate density you divide mass by volume (d = m/V) If you double the size of something (volume), then you are doubling the amount of it (mass). The whole reason for using density to compare things is because it is a property of the substance that does not change, regardless of quantity.

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Q: Does the size of an object change an object's density and why?
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How heavy an object is relative to its size the ratio of mass of volume?

The mass of an object is equal to the object's density multiplied by the volume (size) mass (kg) = density (kg/m3) x volume (m3)

What reflects how heavy something is for it's size?

The density of an object reflects how heavy it is for its size. Density is a measure of how much mass is packed into a given volume. Objects with higher density are heavier for their size compared to objects with lower density.

Does changing the shape or size of an object change its density?

No, changing the shape or size of an object does not change its density. Density is determined by the mass of an object divided by its volume, so as long as the mass and volume remain constant, the density will stay the same.

How does the density of an object effect its gravitational pull on other objects example when a star's density increases its gravitational pull increases on other objects?

Mass, not density, and the closeness of objects, affects an object's gravitational pull. Density is not dependent on an object's size, but mass is. The more massive an object, and/or the closer an object is to another, the greater its gravitational pull.

What effect does size have on the density of objects made of the same material?

Well if they are made of the same materials then the density should be a constant or "the same."

What objects gives buoyancy?

Buoyancy is linked to density, density being how much material is packed into an object of a certain size. Objects with less density will generally be buoyant in more dense objects.

What happens to the density of an object as you change its size?

As you change the size of an object, its density remains constant, assuming the mass stays the same. Density is a measure of how much mass is present in a given volume, so as the size changes, the mass and volume change proportionally, keeping the density the same.

What is the density of a big object vs the smaller object of the same material?

The density of both objects will be the same regardless of their size if they are made of the same material. Density is a physical property of a material that remains constant regardless of the object's size or shape.

What is Density how is Calculated How does density change?

density is how dense an object is (see dense) it is calculated by dividing the mass by volume of an object. density can be changed by changing the size or shape or the object

What of an object tells us how massive something is for its size?


If you have two objects that are the same size and one of them has a mass of 50 g and the other object has a mass of 10 g which object has the greatest density?

The object with the mass of 50g has the greatest density because density is mass divided by volume, and since volume is the same for both objects (since they are the same size), the object with the greater mass will have the greater density.

What effect does size have on the density of objects made of the same materials?

Size does not have a significant effect on the density of objects made of the same material. Density is an intrinsic property of a substance and is constant regardless of the size or shape of the object. However, larger objects made of the same material will have more mass and volume, but their density remains the same.