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Q: Does your writing hand have the same reaction time as you other hand?
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Is hand writing and normal writing the samething?

Yes a hand writing a normal writing are the same thing

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No, fire is not a homonym. Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Fire, on the other hand, has a consistent meaning referring to the chemical reaction of combustion.

Can you convert energy in to mass or mass into energy?

No. Nor can you convert mass into energy. In any reaction - including nuclear reactions - both the amount of mass and the amount of energy remain the same, before and after the reaction. For example, the energy that escapes from a nuclear reaction also has a corresponding mass. On the other hand, the energy existed before the reaction as well, in the form of (nuclear) potential energy.

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they are the same because the writing looks the same but the difference is that they mean different then the other writes

If a reaction in one direction releases energy the same reaction in the other direction will what?

absorb that same amount of energy to establish a dynamic equilibrium.

Name three action and reaction force pairs involved in doing homework Name what the object is exertingand what the object is receiving the forces?

1. The paper exerts a force on the table an the table exerts an equal an opposite force back on the paper.This can never be true as if two forces acting on two object,then how come they cancel each other?The main idea about action and reaction is,action and reaction forces act on two different bodies.They can't cancel each other.That's how the balloon moves in the opposite direction of the air flow. The paper remains still as the of force of gravity on book is canceled by the normal force of the surface.These two forces are acting on book,so they can cancel each other.So it can never be n example of action and reaction.Look into HALLIDAY-RESNICK-WALKER book for more detailed. 2. when writing, the pencil exerts a force on the paper and the paper exerts the same amount of force back on the pencil so it is equal. 3. When writing, your hand is exerting a force on the pencil and the pencil exerts the same amount of force on the hand, thus making it equal.

What is written on Harry Potter's hand?

Right-Harry is right handed. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, (Detention with Dolores) it says that the writing on the back of Harry's hand is on his right hand-the same hand he writes with.

How can you decide if a reaction is a Chemical reaction?

Chemical change is when the composition of your elements or solution change. In a simple way to say it, it's when you no longer have the same elements or solution that you started with. You can determine if a reaction is chemical, by observing the chemical properties. Usually it's when there's a color change, a new substance formed, etc.. On the other hand, physical change is when the composition of your substance stay the same, but the physical properties change. For example, liquid water evaporate into H2O gas.

What other word has the same meaning as feedback?

Reply or Response or even reaction are good words.

How will your tone or writing style change based on the diffrent types of people you will be communicating with online?

This is a important part of the communication skill that how to talk to person on different situation. For example if you are communicating with an elderly person our voice of conversation changes and also our writing becomes little bit respectful and on the other hand if you are talking to someone with same age group than you can be slangy in your tone and writing.

Methadone symptoms of allergic reaction?

The same as any other allergy. Anaphalaxis, itching, swelling, hives

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