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Q: Find the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 9 cm and 12 cm?
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What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC 7 and BD 12?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonals: Area = (1/2) * ( 12 * 7) = 42.

What is the value of rhombus if it is 3x 12?

If you are wanting the area of a rhombus that have diagonals which lengths are 3 and 12, then the area is 18 square units.

Area of a rhombus with diagonals of 10 and 12?

60 square units.

What is the area of a rhombus with a diagonals of 10 feet and 12 feet?

Area of a rhombus= 1/2 (d₁) (d₂); where, d₁ and d₂ are the diagonals. Solution: A=1/2 (10) (12) = 60 feet²

What is the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 10 feet and 12 feet?

60 feet

What is the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 12 and 5?

The diagonals bisect each other. Since that is true then the area of the rhombus is the sum of the two triangles. Half of one diagonal times the other diagonal.2(6x5)/2 or 6x5=30

If the diagonals of the rhombus are in the ratio 3 to 4 and the perimeter of the rhombus is 40 cm what are the lengths of the diagonals?

The lengths of the diagonals work out as 12 cm and 16 cm

What is the area of a rhombus whose diagonals measure 10m and 12m?

It is: 0.5*10*12 = 60 square m

A prism of height 12 has a rhombus with diagonals 6 and 8 for a base Find the volume?

i think its 288

What is the area of a rhombus with the diagonals of 12 and 5?

area_rhombus = product_of_diagonals / 2 = 12 x 5 / 2 = 30 units2 [replace "units" by your measurement unit, eg cm]

What is the rhombus of a with diagonals of 10 ft and 12 ft?

It is a rhombus with sides of length sqrt(61) feet = approx 7.8 feet.

What is the area of rhombus ABCD if AC equals 12 and BD equals 7?

The 2 lengths that you described are diagonals. The area of a rhombus when you know the diagonals is half the product of the diagonals:Area = (1/2) * ( 12 * 7) = 42.The way this works: for a rhombus, the diagonals bisect each other (they intersect at the other's midpoint), so split this into two identical triangles BCD and BAD.The area of one of these triangles is (1/2) * Base * Height, with Base = length of BD, and Height = 1/2 length of AC.So area of one triangle = (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC), and area of rhombus is 2 * area of triangle, so you have 2 * (1/2) * BD * ((1/2)*AC) = (1/2) * (BD) * (AC)