

For 902,798, write the digit in the ten thousands place?

Updated: 1/20/2022
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Aleya Hines

Lvl 2
2y ago

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this would be 0

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Louis Capron

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Aaron Jastiva

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0 is the answer

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Q: For 902,798, write the digit in the ten thousands place?
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511,112.196 Only problem is you end up with a 9 digit number and this is unavoidable

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Kentucky knows the answer cause smarter then uobviously

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250,000 there is no need for a decimal point and certainly not any 0s after a decimal point. The decimal representation simply requires that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right.

What does this mean write the place value and the value of each underlined digit?

It sounds like this:The place value is the power of 10 that is connected to the column of a given digit. In the number 12345.67 the digit 5 is in the ones column, the digit 4 is in the tens column, the digit 3 is in the hundreds column, the digit 2 is in the thousands column, and the 1 is in the ten thousands column. 6 is in the tenths column, and 7 is in the hundredths column.So, if the 2 above is underlined, you should realize that the value of it is 2,000, or two thousand. It's 2, but it is in the thousands column.

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Write the place and the value of the underlined digit. 95463 The 4 is in the hundreds place and has a value of 400.

What does write the place value mean?

In the Hindu-Arabic numeral system (which we all use today), every digit has a place value, which is an increasing power of ten from the right. That is, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Where a place value has no value, we write the digit zero (0) as a place-holder. Thus the placement of the digits 1024 tell us that there are four units, two tens, no hundreds and one thousands, which we read as one-thousand-and-twenty-four.