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72 - 52 = 24

132 - 112 = 48

112 - 72 = 72

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Q: For any two prime numbers greater than 3 the difference of their squares is always a multiple of 24 show 3 examples of this?
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Prime numbers have only two factors. Multiples of any number greater than one have more than two.

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All prime numbers are odd numbers, except for the number 2. The difference between two odd numbers must be a multiple of 2. So, if the difference between two prime numbers is another prime number, that difference must be 2.Examples:{3, 5}{5, 7}{11, 13}{29, 31}

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Not with negative numbers. -10 is a multiple of -2.

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No, not when negative numbers are involved. For example, -2 is a multiple of both -1 and 1 and is not greater than either.

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The greater number.

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The LCM is the greater number.

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There are infinitely many numbers greater than 45! 45,000 45,000,000 and 12346789 are tree examples.

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1.03 is greater. The difference between the two numbers is 0.0078.

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There are infinitely many of them. The square of any multiple of four that is greater or equal to 12 will meet the requirement.